Cheaper, lighter, easier. If I wanted to build the lightest and cheapest, there are many ways. Ferrocement, cheap, it is not light but...
Flat bottom, two chines, displace less water than any other design. ""The two chine hull (B), with a flat bottom and nearly vertical sides, was...
[IMG] The history of boats is full of flat bottoms. I didnt notice that until today and if you use the same arguments of "look at the...
Absolutely, yes. Now duplicate your properly designed kayak, put them together and form a catamaran. After that a sail is attached and it moves...
That is because the only variable is shape, without considering displacement, draft or anything else. It is an isolated system. Think about it...
I agree with you. A properly designed hull of a catamaran with the same length would probably move through water much better. How much better? It...
It is impossible the weight being even near a normal monohull. Look at a Montgomery 17 It is almost...
I am not sure that common sense can be used to prove that. What was the last time you moved a rectangular shape through water? Any material and...
You and most people say it is not a good design and that it will not perform very good. How are you reaching that conclusion? You can either...
If you guys know the calculations that proves a curved hull is so much better, can you say it? Write the calculations that it proves the drag...
That is a better way to look at the hull. I dont know if that is what you mean by faired or a curve but is that enough to say that is a curved...
I think you are being helpful. Lets think we are not arguing, only not agreeing on something. It makes it easier to talk about it, like in a...
I dont know how dugout canoes are built, I will read about it. Nature? ok, that is the fastest fish on the sea with the name of Sailfish....
What? When did I insult anybody? It is because tree trunks are round! The square shape was actually something really difficult to achieve in the...
That is a nice demonstration. I like how easy it looks but I still think it needs clamps, pressure, correctly applied epoxy and plywood cutting to...