Ahoy there Richard, Thank you for kind thoughts and wishes.:) I have an observation which needs clarity. It could be me, but it seems that the...
Hello Richard, I am the proud skipper of the 1995 Elf 26MK2.;) I have not forgotten your kind offer and I will write you with questions next...
Great. I will put some questions together in my head so that you don't have to spend too much time sorting them out and I will write you at your...
No info on those huh? Ok. Gotta keep trying. How about on cross connections? Does this particular MK2 model have round beams and then the cuddy...
The hull has 6.25 feet headroom. If that is so, how high is the hull with the LAR keel included? Need to establish trailing height. Also, how...
You are of course correct and true freedom means never having to worry about being bullied into authorizing a boarding because of our current...
OMG. Not off topic sir.:D Right on target. Might have some questions when I look at it closer.
Im an ex-marine sir.;) No I haven't had the pleasure of riding a motorcycle around the world, but I have put at least ten times that distance...
What about trailering? Does it have to be a container or can a deck over trailer be fitted with shipping cradles to secure the hulls then maybe...
Does anyone know if any reviews have been written by nautical publishing companies on the design or if there is an owners manual available. I...
You are of course correct. I was only making a feeble attempt at demonstrating that a full ocean crossing would not be required. Some areas as you...
Cutonce, Pick your point of reference and go from there. Wiki or the unabridged version, Tomatos or tomatoes are the same and their only...
Ahhh, I'll give it a shot. For me, and yes there are many holes in the preliminary plan, up the east coast of the US, around Baffin Bay and then...
LOL.:D Good for you. I find it best to live in that state.;)
First of all, No. The word I originally used is exactly what I meant. It should be looked up and read before one exposes their confusion and...