Dear friends, I have attached two pictures of a current yacht I am trying to model in rhino. It is a classic yacht 12 m length overall. I began...
Hello, No thoughts on the profile I attached last week? I will attach a 3d view of the rendered hull by the end of today... Regards Ivan.
Here is the profile rendered its the only thing i can post for the next hour...
Ok I have a rough view of the profile, but its with a surface, I am back in the office and dont have rhino see what you think, and good advice i...
Hello, What I can do is post the Rhino file if you are interested Craig by the end of today since I am modelling at the moment, my aim is to...
Hello and thanks for the replies, I think I am going to use the original lines with decens of points to make sure the fit to the original...
Had to change format of pic
Good morning, I have attached an initial body plan for the lines we have been talking about. At the moment, due to the digitalisation the lines...
Hello, I am currently designing a classic day sailor to sail in max. a force 3/4, Loa = 12 m, Bwl = 2 m, Draught = 1.6 m, Displacement = 5 tons...
Hello, when modelling the stations is it a good practice to divide certain stations, specially the ones of the midship section of the yacht, to...
After reading through the ongoing threads, which are excellent!, I was looking for a bit more information regarding the type of yacht I am...
Hi to all, I am currently designing a 12 m, L.O.A, classic sloop, very similar to the traditional 6 m class, I would like to...