I am wondering if there are fixed guidelines or manufacturer recommendations for calculating the thickness of sealant for installing windows...
Clean up the wood, till you are at solid ground. Grind away the cracks as suggested. You will be grinding away most part anyhow, around the wood....
You mention the scantlings. On what rules are these based? Lloyds, GL, ABS, ISO 12215? Some give more thickness than others. There are lots of...
I have been away from the forum for probably some 5 years, but I am shocked to hear Paul passed away. My thoughts are with his familiy. Paul was...
http://www.dd-compound.com/ Much can be read here.
Re. weight savings: I have tried another variety (Nidacore) which was not particular light either. (at 5 lb/ft3 / 80 kg/m3). Resin uptake was...
I have sent you a message, might have something useful for you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM4WGsLpxws Removal of boat at 2:40-ish
Peroxides containing H2O2 give a foaming effect. Ask your supplier for a suitable peroxide. Also, counting drops for me is not the way to go....
Strengthwise the CSM does not bring much. Thickness, yes. From a structural point of view I would take a lower weight CSM, or no CSM at all. The...
Chamfer should be about 8:1 minimum. For a 3/4" thick laminate, filled from both sides (so 3/8" is the short side of the chamfer) the long side...
I entered biax400 into my Excelsheet, and at 50% Vf (fiber to volume fraction) I get 1,27 mm for 4 layers. So your measurement of 1,5mm is not...
I am already lost on how to get 2x2' s on 4" centers...
Epic bump...