Looks like a Seadog 30 motor-sailer. Cheers.
Hello Alfie, welcome to the forum. Just a quick note to say that the old Thames barges usually did not have a bottom pintle. Their arrangement was...
The watertight sliding doors on 'Tenacious' were supplied by Winel in Assen in Holland. I believe they were the 'Seagull' type but all their doors...
An option is to fit sliding watertight doors. We fitted them on the Jubilee Sailing Trust's barque 'Tenacious' when we built her in 2001. They are...
I would recommend you try LMC in Honiton, Devon UK. Ask for Trevor. I used his electric motors and controllers in designing the propulsion...
Bilge Paint Always liked Danboline by International. Good coverage and wears well. Whatever you choose, good preparation and follow...
Bilge Pumps If it is not a motor problem (rotor balance, electrical phase balance) then my guess is cavitation. Do the pumps have any sharp bends...
Harwich Mayflower For all the structural bolting (that is for joining all the timbers, planking etc) the plan is to use silicon bronze CW116C....
Harwich Mayflower Design To put everyone's mind at rest (I hope), the design for the Harwich Mayflower ship has been developed to be a sailing...
Mayflower 2020 Very nice blog, great pictures and detail. Just to let you know that the designer of the Harwich Mayflower is a regular on this...
http://www.tnielsen.co.uk This would be my choice, Peter. I have worked a lot with them and they have the people, facilities and experience for...
Then , of course, there is this one to add to the list: http://www.shipspotting.com/gallery/photo.php?lid=330958 Aluminium alloy framed,...
DDALMAU, If you read this you should get your answer: http://www.dft.gov.uk/mca/mgn390.pdf
Workboats over 24 metres should be regarded as cargo vessels according to MCA publication 'UK Ship Classification and EC Equivalents'.
Displacement Estimate I would say you are close with your first weight, Peter. My estimate for that hull using a reasonable sailing waterline...