Behind every succesfull man is a surprised woman :-)
that's what I'd usually do, but I'm not sure if I can run these engines with the valve covers off ? anyway, after recharging the batteries and 5...
The secret to speeding is taking your time - my buddy Hank (any port in a storm)
to get something you never had, you must do something you never did....
sorry, one more addition, may I suggest to look at ? This german guy, living on his boat in Panama, made this himself, and it's...
depends on what you want to do Vasher, are you going to sail the oceans or navigate around lake michigan ? a little chartplotter is nice (bigger...
still with timing belts ? perfectly good engines, keep an eye on the fresh / salt water issue, and as far as I know these things are taken from...
no, no, no, I'm not implicating that they will run on water, as a matter of fact, I've just proven that they didn't... :-) I had a bit of...
allright, I went with enjuneer, and got the second exact same model 12v charger (80 bucks) and it actually works, it looks a bit silly, and I used...
a solar panel delivers per definition a larger current than the battery it is meant to feed, i.e. a 12v solar panel will deliver appr. 16v , for a...
CDK, I was thinking of a manual battery switch, the ones I have here are capable of switching 500A, and I have manual start buttons installed in...
missing something injuneer, converters don't deliver charge current, and battery chargers require 110 / 220, and I like to charge the starting...
Thanks, not that it helped directly, I found these switches but my engines (Detroit Diesels, 8v71ti's) are sure to pull more than the...
yeah, I'm glad I'm getting confirmation here, it is simply not possible, at least not "idiot-proof" to do it (manual disconnecting the bridge is...