All of Jim Brown's Searunner trimarans were built with compounded sheet ply. This was not difficult to do and added significant panel stiffness.
Dave Gerr's "Propeller Handbook" has a couple of pages on ducted propellers....
We proa designers call proas that change direction like that "shunters". They are the dominant type of sailing outrigger throughout Micronesia,...
It is optional to mount the leeboard on the main hull or the ama. If you mount it on the ama there is a small modification to the mount from what...
Which design are you building? Generally speaking, 8' should be enough. If you decide to add a safety ama on the other side at some point, you...
I would recommend mounting your crossbeams on pedestals like this Tahitian V1. There is usually a flat metal bar connecting them at the top for...
Foam and Fiberglass Ama Construction
A windsurf mast with a short stub mast works really well. [IMG]
A drawing of Adrenalin's articulated ama.[IMG]
With my Searunner 37, I always had Jim Brown's recommended car tire on a swivel and a bridle off the sterns of the amas. It was always rigged and...
We made two 60' Stressform masts at Rudy Choy's workshop in Honolulu 1980's. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Sailing Catamarans - What is KSS?
I would suggest that you investigate C-Flex fiberglass. It's a roll of stiff fiberglass rods woven together with lighter fibers that can be laid...
Here is the kick up rudder I use on the Ulua. The bracket clamps on to the beam and doubles as a motor mount. You could mount a cassette rudder...