I am considering purchasing a Freedom 39 pilothouse schooner in south Florida. I would appreciate some recommendations for a surveyor in the...
I steamed/laminated two stems (8 laminates each) last week using black locust that I cut last winter. I found it to take the bend very easily...
Thanks. I think I'll grab some and do a little experimenting.
Mr. 717, What do you spread it with and does it come in colors other than black? Might be a good coating for a drift boat bottom. Gary
What about using the pallet wood to laminate a hull? Seems shorter pieces would work for the most part.
Tad, Would you please expound on your response to the last comment? Would a hull of this nature (single chine with a CB) be more safe (whatever...
That's interesting and enlightening. Thanks for taking the time to post. Gary
Thanks Tad and Paul. You guys are great. Gary
[IMG] These are the keel profiles as previously posted by Tad. I have this page as part of the "plans." There are other sheets with more...
Thanks Paul. Not wanting to go through with something like this totally blind, how much effort would it take a professional to determine whether...
I have been looking a little more at Hanna’s “How to Build Gulf Weed – A Little Cruiser Designed Especially for the Amateur Builder” and his...
That's looking very nice. I like it. I'm focusing on a bateau design now for the Yellowstone. Doing some drawing/lofting now. What are...
I'm curious whether boats that may not be in the water long enough to sufficiently swell tight, e.g., maybe a half-day river float, could benefit...
If your bevels are good and strips are "tight," do you need an adhesive for a boat living on a trailer? Could something sticky like a mixture of...