I am looking for a formula to help estimate the water particle velocity in irregular waves specified by Hs and Tp instead of H and T. As a catch,...
A mooring company mentions they use a load RAO method for estimating mooring loads (see "Load RAO method " here). I would like to get background...
Thanks for these book recommendations. I got some useful advice outside this forum too which I am including in case it helps someone else:...
I am looking for recommendations for textbooks on mooring design for complex moorings, such as 3-leg moorings for large buoys or large ships that...
I would like to calculate wave persistence statistics such as the expected duration that wave height would remain below a certain height...
jehardiman and VaurienH - Thanks for these useful references. They are just what I was looking for. I can see anchoring is a topic you can get...
Found this reference, http://wetlands.simplyaquatics.com/d/14871-1/App_g.pdf For our Danforth anchor which weights 1 metric tonne (2204 lbs), the...
A colleague said he expects a 1 metric tonne Danforth anchor in sand to have a 1:20 holding factor, and I'd like to understand where this...
@NavalSArtichoke - Yikes, the water depth is 25m not 1m, which is indeed impossible to have Hs=3m in! My mistake, and thanks for catching it....
Thanks all. I think I am clear now: So as long as waves are breaking due to shallow water, they are all traveling at the same speed no matter what...