Man to teacher about his clever son: He defenately got his mother's brains ! Because I still have mine...
Sinking ? Floating on land... ? :oops: How have you been?
First boat guy I come across who is collecting menhir's on the sly. I'm more interested in how you got it there :D
Another possibility may be to repair these boats and rent them for recreational purpose. People like to be on the water, take your friends...
And I forgot to mention something else. Everything is not always a maximum speed requirement, there are many applications where speed is not the...
There is another phenomena which has not been addressed much which may become a reality and that is sails generating their own wind. If you watch...
I have e-mailed another engineer end explained what I had in mind - which is what I am criticized here by certain individuals for. His reply was...
Owley, I like the idea of free standing masts as well. I'm not a marine engineer, but it seems with most sails with a boom to the stern is that...
You make assumptions which I never did do. The first time I saw the aft mast was when Brian Island posted on it. Nobody yet have taken the time...
One of the days the wife and I sailed with the little tri on the Vaal, which was more of a drum that a boat, there was a big mono bearing down on...
Hi Tiny Turnip, it does not matter if someone disagrees with me or not. When I joined the forum some years ago, there were even then still...
To make the model work I mounted 4 roller bearings on the sides and it sits on a solar panel. Without wind it does not move forward or backward....
If you widen it a bit and add a trolling motor like Deering suggested, you can also add a solar panel. By monitoring the current supplied by the...
One must never assume anything is optimized, or has reached it's limits. Not too long ago it was assumed ridiculous that one can fly... today it...