Thanks a lot for your timely response even on weekends ! There is a radius 2 mm fillet on the upper left part too but the SM must be close enough....
Hi folks, I need to calculate the min. SM of this specific "bulb" bar (see attached drawing) attached to 300mm x 6m plating Thru tedious...
Hello Andrei, On your last example (llustration just above) with the collision into the keel simulation, where have you positionned the restraints...
Hey guys, i said earlier i value all inputs but as the OP of this thread (i am no moderator by all means !) i dare say i don't find the latest...
Hello Andrei ! Lucky you, good wines in your region ! Re the Delft paper mentioned by Fastwave above and the explanations re. their better way of...
This is exactly where i am ! Let's take a couple of practical examples to try and conclude this thread... to see whether i am setting things up...
a.m. : above mentioned ? or already mentioned ? (I am not the one who has put "hell" in hello) sorry for my dubious sense of humor ! Yes this...
Understood. My question re. to the springs set-up, doesnt relate to a spring itself (F=-k*x is enough ) but to the FEM boundary conditions. In my...
I still do not see clearly the interest of using these springs (yes i am kind of slow !) In this case, is this the same as applying loads (and...
Hi all ... and thanks for your contributions which are ALL well appreciated ! Moreover a big thank you to Andrei who has accepted to join this...
Nothing wrong with SnS here, take e.g. a beam casted into a concrete wall, restraints are easilly applied to the 4 intersection surfaces between...
Thanks for your response Ad Hoc Yes ! this is what i am trying to better understand. SnS doesn't seem to be using points or "nodes" though. So...
Yes, quite agreeable ! Let's take a half cylinder "hull" then with only some frames and longitudinal stringers inside to reinforce the shell, any...
Yes... and many thanks for the reminder ! Could you please elaborate then, for instance can you explain what would be the restraints applied in...