thanks tspeer that is good
Hi do you know any thing about: boats taht they are designed with car airodynamic method??!!! please help me:confused::confused::confused:
hi daiquiri longitudinal stability
speed: 50 knot
l/b= 2.7 weight: 880 kg propultion: water jet
weight:880 L/B :26.875 speed: 50knot
I build a boat and tested it in calm water I am so Concerned about stability The range of dynamic trim was between3-17 I want standard that...
thanks diquri but my boat is highspeed do you know any standard for high speed craft?
HELLO I need standard For The Range OF DYNAMIC TRIM FOR PLANING BOAT? please help me
I am not a representative of the government of Iran, just a student I Thought that this site is a Scientific site, there is not any way for...
hi guys, What we can underestant from ratio (L/B)?????? what is the meaning of this ratio???