There is a company here in Ft. Myers Florida thats called Algae-X they make fuel treatments and polishing systems for engine while running,...
A good fuel rated gasket or sealer should have done the job, if you see that the the sealer has broken or has cracks/gaps after being there for a...
Can you provide pictures and condition information. Thank you
Looks like an old Checkmate.
If its not to much to ask can you forward the information that TANSL provided, i will very much like to know what his suggestions were. Thank you...
Good day, Do you have pictures of the finished products that you could share, location of molds, what where they sold as. How long have the...
Good day; you can adapt steering to anything you want, it all depends on how much you want to spend and how creative you can get. Having said...
Fred, inshore or offshore boats will eventually end up in a marina or out on dry dock in "calm conditions", so a fuel polisher ran frequently will...
Many fuel suppliers provide clean fuel, unfortunately same can't be said about the retailers and how clean or well maintained they keep their...
John, Good day i left you a message on your phone in regards to the 23, is it still available. Is there another number i can contact you in...
IMO you opened a can of worms, having said that, its open and your determined to complete it so go ahead. Make sure when you remove foam you...
John, Good day, i was wondering if the molds were still available. Thank you.
Good day; i was wondering if the molds are still available, if so what is the asking price of molds and location of it. Also do you have...
For the most part DD engines are all good and as mentioned before parts are easily available. As for the engine; even though its an old engine...
molds Good day, Is the mold still available, if so what else can you tell me about the mold and do you have additional pictures of mold,...