The widow should countersue Perini for putting that enormous mast on it.
Given it is a steel boat, I don't see reason why it couldn't be done. Just add some extra ballast to compensate shallower draft.
Lynch’s superyacht sank because of ultra-tall mast, says rescue skipper An experienced boat captain whose ship was anchored close to Mike Lynch’s...
With hindsight, the ketch on the spec sheet seems like a much more sensible version than that sunken sloop with the ridiculous 72-meter aluminum...
I would think, CAT is going to be much more efficient, given it's LWL is double vs monohull. How much more, I don't know. At those speeds it...
I would start by buying stock plans for cat similar size you're intent to built. One example. Bruce Roberts, steel boat plans, boat building,...
Does this origami technique has it's limitations in terms of bow type? It seems to work fine with these traditional designs (spoon, raked etc),...
Good point! [MEDIA]
Thanks for the commentary! May i just add after watching another video from the builder (about exterior). where he explains that one of the...
Any estimates, how much performance hit this kind of windows would cause vs more aerodynamic design? I assume, that might be issue primarily...
This design looks like builder run out of the money and decided drastically scale back down plans.
om: Thanks for the elaboration.
Just quick question about ideal weight distribution in trimarans? Does it make sense to keep weight out of side hulls and try to back most of the...