completely wrong. i have seen it firsthand. autos work in boats.
300 hp on that.
mews are nice boats. well built. for an extension i would use a good quality construction ply with a couple of coats of epoxy resin rolled on....
what you are planning is pretty standard giles. lost of other cray boats have had the wheel house extended and walk in bathroom added on deck. i...
Thats good. I posted it for you. Didn't think to put it on your thread.
Seal the ply then lay seadeck on it. Looks great ..soft to walk on and cleans easier than carpet.
Did you already have that article. I haven't looked at the site for a while so i would have missed it. I saw it on google.
You need to get a sailboat trailer with keel support . The multi roller trailer is for powerboats only. I would sail it as . Rl24 is a very...
No drain plug means it was probably a fully sealed floor . But over the years holes get drilled for accessorys . Water finds its way in and you...
Norsepower: World's 1st tiltable Rotor Sails installed on SEA-CARGO RoRo - Offshore Energy...
I went fishing offshore this morning in one of my boats . That one is 17 ft with a 1982 johnson 115 crossflow and I checked the fuel consumption....
I find it's better to go with a larger motor throttled back than running a smaller 1 at wot.
Why does everyone go on about wot fuel burn. Only a fool would drive a motor like that for more than a couple of minutes if that. Drive most...
I agree with me e . I had an 85 hp v4 and it was a great motor. Very economical at 3/4 throttle on an 18 ft halfcab. Idled almost as good as a 4...