ok, thanks for your advice on the calibration.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. The gas tank is easily accessible, not a problem there. The gauge needle does move but it seems like there is...
Hello The gas gauge on my boat is not accurate. Is it the Gas Sending Unit that needs to be replaced? If so, is it difficult to replace? If...
ok, think I have it now and I DO appreciate everyone's help!!!!
Thanks Bataan.
Thanks PAR but I am a little confused. So you are saying I should put one coat of straight epoxy, let it dry, then put a 2nd and 3rd coat and...
Well, spent most of the day doing it but have half the floor out now. The other half should go a lot faster now that I know how the floor is tied...
Thanks PAR. I am going to cut out the rotten part of the old sole and put in a new piece (epoxied as the guys above suggested). Most of the bad...
great suggestions, thanks
Thanks Stumble and Bataan. Will be starting tomorrow and I will let you know how it comes out when I am done. Wish me luck!!!!
Thanks Tunnel. Not sure what type of resin, new at this and need to do research. Someone said epoxy resin in a few of the threads. Not sure...
Hello There is a small wood section of the sole on my 94 Aluminum Lund that is really rotten. I am only planning on keeping the boat for another...
thanks. I believe there is 3/4 in there now and will probably use the same. I agree, very happy with my Lund. The motor hardly has any time on...