Hello everyone, I would like to ask if anyone knows if it is possible to calculate the trorsional moments in Autohydro v5.1. I have searched the...
I'll work on that and hope it is ok with previous version of autohydro than yours. Thank you for your valuable assistance and your time. Vagelis
I use Autohydro version 5 & 6. There are about 40 tanks for the ship that i'm working on currently. For the loading conditions i use several...
Good day everyone, I'm using the following macro in my .lib files << '*******************************************Menu:Reporting macro...
Dear athvas, Thank you very muh for your reply. It worked for me and saved a lot of time cause instead i had to calculate manually. I was...
Good day everyone, I have a slight problem setting the limits in order to run Damage Stability in Autohydro. The strings that i was using...