I get the shroud problem, blind Freddy could see that :) But - in principle - what is the different between pulling the clew to leeward on a track...
usually called a 'biplane' rig, The idea has a history. It seems obvious for a cat, but in practice I believe there are aerodynamic limitations -...
"The problem with all loose foot sails, is that you are restricted to the deck geometry". unless you've got two or more hulls :) "I have always...
Thanks I'm getting close to 45 deg. The big rectangular mast can't be helping :) You're no doubt right, better sails would help, but its a...
This rig is interesting to me for a number of reasons. The question I have is whether the aft sheet position on transom (or is it a canoe stern -...
Hi all, I have owned a 36' strip plank mahoghany sloop for 12 years - custom built in the 60s, boat of classic Rhodes/Alberg style, an example...
Hi all thanks for your replies. I do understand the difference between fairing and primer. Blueknarr, thanks for encouragement on zinser...
I'm getting to the point in my glass/epoxy over ply project that I need to think about primer. It'll be alkyd enamel out the outside. I want a...
PAR, thankyou! >Lots of minerals and even stone are very sandable right, particle shape is as important and hardness > Moored boats should have a...
Canvas is really heavy compairtivly and not especially water tight. The boat is undercover (carport style) I'm in socal - rain is a rarity. >...
thanks Par. I'm like to try DIY, and talc sounds like the thing. Sandable (odd since its rock), smooth,inexpensive. But there are warnings not to...
thanks guys I like the paint the tarp idea. But I try to avoid using polytarps now. I can't accept their constant degradation filling the ocean...
My boat project is long term, and though undercover, sees a lot of sunlight. I want to protect the glassed and encapsulated areas from UV...