
daiquiri: SailDesign

Just some food for thought for you, SailDesign. :) NOTE: The original pic taken from:

daiquiri, Feb 16, 2016
    • SailDesign
      Thanks, Daiquiri! Not sure I'll take you up on that, but it's interesting for sure. :)

      Nice PhotoShop skillz, too.
    • daiquiri
      For SailDesign:
      I was thinking that the coskpit space of your Taicoun is really huge, so why not taking just a little bit from it to give it to the cabin?
      Even if it will not be used for cruising, a closed and protected cabin space is always appreciated. It doesn't even degrades the overal aesthetics of the boat, imo.
      Also, I think that a slight assymmetry in the distribution of windows over such long side walls can disrupt the "monothony" of three equal windows in a row. So the pilot side window is slightly separated from the other two.

      Please consider them as just a couple of my thoughts about your new boat which, by the way, is really handsome even without further modifications. :)
    • SailDesign
      Many thanks for taking the time to do this.

      I love the big cockpit, though. I may move the aft bulkhead farther aft, though - it can move about 40cm before it is too close to the "wings" of the house sides. That would compromise a little the between the cockpit and the house. :)
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