Our Oceans are Under Attack

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by brian eiland, May 19, 2009.

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  1. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Did they really go count those animals noeyedeer? Or are they pulling scary numbers out of their arse, that nobody can verify one way or the other?
    Like climate change.
    Climate change has been going on since beginning of the world. Always been occurring but your side says it's worsened,( and sometimes you claim man made CO2 is responsible for climate change), because of CO2 emissions. A theory of everything. Unverifiable because nobody can point to earth two and say, look, same heatwave wih less co2.
    Very unethical of your side to point to an eons old process and claim 20th century technology caused it. Are you losing your mind?

    Or do you think the rest of us are stupid and naïve and can be easily conned?

    Ya'll ben trying to run this scam since the 70s or earlier.

    American public is on to you and not buying.

    You THINK too much.

    Who do, who do you think you're foolin?.

    Stop thinking up ways to scam people into your socialist utopia.

    Stop thinking you and your side is smarter than the rest of us, cause you ain't!

    I think wild animals that ARE closely monitored and managed can't even be counted, but we do have some REAL good estimates.



    Alligators were on endangered list a few decades ago.


    What IS endangered and on the apparent decline, is wits of AGWers and HOPEFULLY their political agenda.
  2. NoEyeDeer
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    NoEyeDeer Senior Member

    Yes, my uncle has a pet turnip too. Nice day for it. See ya later. :)
  3. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Not if I see you first. :cool:
  4. myark
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    myark Senior Member


    Walrus invasion: 35,000 come ashore in Alaska

    "It's another remarkable sign of the dramatic environmental conditions changing as the result of sea ice loss," said Margaret Williams, managing director of the group's Arctic program, by phone from Washington, DC.
    "The walruses are telling us what the polar bears have told us and what many indigenous people have told us in the high Arctic, and that is that the Arctic environment is changing extremely rapidly and it is time for the rest of the world to take notice and also to take action to address the root causes of climate change."
  5. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Polar bears when originally discovered in northern America were named the American yellow bear. Later, that name dropped when identified as land dwelling polar bears.
    they survive nicely on land.
    Walrus are aquatic mammals, not cryo creatures. Don't live on the ice, but under it. and need air holes to breathe. they breathe fine on land and traditionally come ashore to breed and birth. They happily swim in cold ice free waters.

    More perverting of events to untruth interpretations to augment a political agenda.

    As I pointed out. AGWers are opportunists that glom on to anything they think they can claim as evidence for their agenda and is unverifiable therefore irrefutable. Dishonest? Darn tootin! But they make some errors like the claim in Myarks post. Some CAN be refuted, as below.


    "Polar bears are believed to be threatened, not mainly by hunting, but by habitat loss caused by global warming; for example, the area of ice covering Hudson Bay in Northern Canada in winter is shrinking, limiting their access to seal prey. The sensitivity of the survival rates of the bears to global temperature was documented by the population bulge in the cohort of bears born during the transient cooling that followed the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991. However, it turned out that the population of polar bears grew by unprecedented 15–25 percent between 1995 and 2005. The decrease in several regions was caused by hunting, not by climate change."
  6. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    Polar Bears - Predictions | Wikipedia

  7. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    Walrus | Wikipedia
  8. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    Arctic envoy: Climate change key focus for US | THE HILL
  9. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    " it is noted that black and brown bears at high latitudes are smaller than elsewhere, because of the scarcity of terrestrial food resources"

    ROFLMAO! Speaking of naïve! LOL The Russian Great Brown and the Alaskan Kodiak are only slightly smaller than the biggest bear of all, the Polar bear.


    Offspring are fertile with either sub species and amongst themselves.

    Above earlier post showing polar bear population increase 1995 to 2005, WELL, hasn't slowed at all. Apparently warmer weather stimulates polar bear libido. For it's own blonde species and bruin-ette grizzlies as well! :p
    Projections of Polar bear declining population by 2050 makes about as much sense as CO2 driving climate change and global warming. NONE!
    Polar bears are increasing population dramatically from 1995 to todate!
    Imaginarynumber, I'm sorry but the side you elected to join is SO FULL OF IT. with SH in front. ROFLMAO :D

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  10. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Let's tackle real problems.
    You aren't going to succeed converting USA to socialism or bringing us down, or create one world government. Not with CO2 propaganda anyway.
    Go sell socialism to Russia. Maybe they've forgotten how bad it was, in the last 20 years since.

    Let's clean up the garbage. Provide safe drinking water to the world. Fix our own agribusiness morass and then help the world solve agriculture problems.
    And slap fed government and officials down to manageable size, so it's of, by, and for the people again.
    Outlaw International corporations more powerful than and outside of governments, kingdoms unto themselves.
    Then, maybe new startup alternate energy companies have a chance to succeed.
    Lot's of pressing problems. CO2 isn't one.
  11. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    The range of brown bears extends into the arctic. The brown bears on Kodiak Island and the Kamchatka peninsula are not considered high-latitude bears. These not-so-high-latitude brown bears have access to a wide variety of foods, which permits their large size. The food source of high-latitude brown bears is much restricted since those bears cannot utilize sea-ice to hunt for high-energy seals. So if due to global warming the polar bears are no longer able to feed on seals because there is far less sea-ice, the concern is that the polar bears will then have to compete with the arctic Brown bears for limited land-based food sources.

  12. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    No references for your assertions. Typical.
  13. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    never heard a picture worth a thousand words?


    "Female walruses will mate with one only male during the breeding season, whereas the strongest males will mate with a number of females. Once cows have chosen whom they'll mate with, they'll join them in the water and dive together in a courting ritual. Walruses mate both in the water and on land, and may copulate several times to increase the chance of fertilization. Like other mammals, they mate using internal reproduction. Males have ****** bones with which they extend their reproductive organs."


    "•The walrus lives both on land and in the water. They spend 1/3 of their time on land and the rest in the water.
    •Hauling out is the term associated with the walrus going to land.
    While mating occurs in the water, the young are born on land."

    "Occasionally, the walruses will mate on land, but most of the time mating occurs in the water (Svalbard 2003).'

    Seems some varied opinions where they mate. A video is worth a thousand opinions. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICiU5EBCyrQ

    Polar bear attacking walrus colony (off topic) http://www.arkive.org/walrus/odobenus-rosmarus/video-11.html

    More walrus video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZaSZuYNViY
  14. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    The illogic of that argument is, if there is no ice for the polar bears, there's likewise no ice for the seals to rest on. They'll have to haul out on beaches to rest and socialize and be vulnerable to attack by variety of bears. Global warming promises to be a GOOD thing. If it happens.
    Sauce for the goose...
    You're too young to remember MWP, but it was a good time also.

    "As seals spend 90% of their time on land, it is easy to spot them hauled out, and basking on rocks around the islands."

  15. wavepropulsion
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    wavepropulsion Junior Member

    Polar bears are a mutation of brown bear, that happens during the glatiation (probably in the actual British Islands) and affected hair colour. Then the whites was naturally sellected for having advantage in hunting.
    The more similar is the Kodiak, but the white bear is a marine mammal.
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