Apprenticeship as traditional wooden boat builder

Discussion in 'Education' started by bikemaniac, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Robert Miller
    Joined: Dec 2003
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    Robert Miller Junior Member


    Would love to see some photos of Lyle's cutter in build. So... if you get a chance...

  2. Alastair
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    Alastair Mr

    Hi I've been writing and phoning boatyards and training providers with the aim of obtaining an apprenticeship in the areas of yacht and boat building.

    For some reason new posts aren't happening at the oment on thsi site so i hope you don't mind me jumping aboard this post.

    I am a graduate in Geography and Sports Studies with 2 years work experience. These experiences have reinforced my enthusiasm to find a career based on practical work.

    What draws me to this area of work is the creation of a tangible finished product, with a skilled team. I am a hard worker with good problem solving skills.

    I have recently completed a contract working for a company who assembled furniture as one of their main tasks. The hands on aspect I very much enjoyed. (haha along way off boat building i know! but you have to start somewhere....) I have also worked in a hotel kitchen in the French Alps for a 6 months period. A large part of the role involved listening and learning procedures/recipes from senior chefs, an aspect I enjoyed and gained many skills from. I started the season knowing only the basics, I am happy to say that by the end of the season I had gained enough experience and knowledge to act as sous chef and help deliver 4 course meals to the high standards expected.

    I am reliable and trustworthy, and am able to get on with people of all ages and backgrounds. I have never had a day off sick.

    On a personal level I enjoy a number of activities, cycling, hill walking, skiing, adventure travelling, cooking and socialising with friends and family.

    Anyone looking for a hard working apprentic?
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