
Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Manie B, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    He could lash his yuloh to the lee side as an effective makeshift leeboard. The long narrow blade would make a pretty good one. He wouldn't even need to come ashore to do that.

    It is always nice to have equipment that can serve double duty.

    -Will (Dragonfly)
  2. A II
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    Excellent idea Will, and most easy !
  3. JPE
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    JPE Junior Member

    During trial sailings the boat did display pointing ability that satisfied Yrvind (it was not excellent, which comes as no surprise knowing the keel and rigging arrangements). The current problem is caused by overload, and to fix it with a second keel, well, don't think Yrvind would go for that kind of patchwork.

    The size and shape of the hull is such, that it just does not cope well with increase of displacement in the magnitude it seems to happen on these trips.
  4. JPE
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    JPE Junior Member

    ...and, as we know and probably many of us expected even before he announced it, Yrvind is already designing a new version that adresses the issues he has encountered with this boat. He hardly will be fixing this one...
  5. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    Besides Will's idea to use the yuloh as a makeshift leeboard (post #616), I would give the current boat a hollow keel beam just wide enough to contain the freshwater stock and the batteries and the anchors plus anchor chains, accessible through a few sole hatches, but agree, I don't think Sven would go for it.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
  6. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    On such a small boat everything needs to serve at least two purposes to earn its keep, the yuloh could serve as a yuloh and as a jury rudder and as a jury mast and as a jury lee board, but of course only one service at once, so don't lose all masts and rudders and the yuloh at the same time, or there's a need to come up with more back up ideas from already on board items...
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020

  7. A II
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    There's a parallel thread on the Sailboats forum, no problem I'll think, I'm just leaving a note here about its existence: Why I'm Following Sven Yrvind
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
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