"Young NA&ME Papers Day" Feb 25th in Portsmouth NH

Discussion in 'Education' started by DMacPherson, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. DMacPherson
    Joined: Mar 2005
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    DMacPherson Senior Member

    SNAME New England Section Winter Meeting
    "Young NA&ME Papers Day"
    Feb 25th 2011 in Portsmouth NH

    A meeting of technical papers and presentations by "young professionals" and students. If you are in the neighborhood, please join us and show support for our next generation of engineers and designers. Do you have a compelling technical story to share? This is a great opportunity to write a small paper and present in a great venue. For more info, click to:


    or email Don MacPherson, at snamenewengland@gmail.com.


    Don MacPherson
    Chair, SNAME New England Section
  2. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Thanks Don, now can you please define "young"... :D
  3. DMacPherson
    Joined: Mar 2005
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    DMacPherson Senior Member

    Well, I'm 52, so "young" is anything less than 53...

    It is a bit arbitrary with respect to our event. SNAME has an outreach effort focused at what they call YPs (young professionals). I am not sure if they formalized it, but the practice has been that a YP is less than 35.

  4. yipster
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    yipster designer

    only wish i was a YP :D
    here my interest for the work of the next generation of engineers and designers tho, publish it plz
  5. DMacPherson
    Joined: Mar 2005
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    DMacPherson Senior Member

    "Young NA&ME Papers Day and Winter Meeting" Update

    Only three weeks until the meeting! Our "call for papers" has resulted in an excellent selection of topics from both students and our "young professionals" that you will not want to miss,

    Register now

    RSVP by Friday, February 18. Details can be found in the attached PDF.

    "Young Professional" session

    A summary of bilge corrosion research being conducted at the USCGA
    Susan Swithenbank, USCGA

    The design development and integration of construction techniques for a new 85 ft sailing catamaran
    Micah Tucker, Derecktor Shipyards

    "A Proposed Task-Specific Data Exchange Strategy for Naval Architects"
    Oliver Hammond & Adam Kaplan, HydroComp, Inc.

    Student papers

    "Tidal Energy As A Response to Future Energy Demands: A New England Case Study"
    Matthew Standley [UNH]

    "Failure Analysis of a Tasman Sea Crossing in a Modified Ocean Kayak"
    Andrew Goodale [UNH]

    "FFG-7 FRAM"
    LCDR Greg Crawford, LT Evangelos Koutsolelos, LTJG Tim Emge [MIT 2N]

    "LPD-17 to LSD (Modified Repeat)" - LTjg Chris MacLean, LT Andrew Privette, LCDR John Campbell, CDR Ken Shepard [MIT 2N]

    "Maritime Interdiction Combatant"
    TBD [MIT 2N]

    And... papers by USCGA and Maine Maritime Academy cadets. (Details forthcoming.)

    Please don't forget to RSVP by Friday February 18th (preferably earlier). And don't miss the business networking reception that follows.

    See you in Portsmouth.

    Attached Files:

  6. DMacPherson
    Joined: Mar 2005
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    DMacPherson Senior Member

    "Young NA&ME Papers Day and Winter Meeting" Update for Friday Feb 11th

    Just 14 days until we meet in Portsmouth NH. The good weather is coming, so make your plans and register now.

    Registration details

    Member/spouse $35
    “Young Professional” member/spouse $30 [<35 yrs]
    Student $15
    Non-member/Guest $40

    Business Networking Reception Sponsor

    We are pleased to announce that Accutech Marine Propeller of Dover NH is our Business Networking Reception Sponsor. Thanks to Larry Kindberg and his staff for their support. Check out their Facebook page for more information about Accutech Marine Propeller.

    Additional student papers announced

    "Development of a model scale wind turbine for offshore floating turbine systems"
    Heather Martin [UMaine]
    Armand Boero [Maine Maritime Academy]

    Registration deadline – Next Friday Feb 18th

    Please don't forget to RSVP by Friday February 18th. Only by your participation can we have a strong showing of support for our students and "young professionals".

    See you in Portsmouth!
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