Yet another "what boat is this" post

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Adam Riesel, Sep 8, 2024.

  1. Adam Riesel
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    Adam Riesel Junior Member

    Hey legends,

    I recently got myself a boat and I'm unsure what it is. And and we'll assistance would be assisted, she's registered as a 20' boat but who even.

    Here's some pieces.

    Thanks in advance for the help

    IMG-20240908-WA0016.jpg IMG-20240908-WA0019.jpg IMG-20240908-WA0006.jpg IMG-20240908-WA0001.jpg

    Attached Files:

  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Hello Adam,
    I am guessing that she is probably a 'home built' boat from a set of plans, hence she probably does not have any hull ID mark inscribed.

    What is her construction material?
    I am guessing probably plywood if she is a 'one off' - if she has a fibreglass hull then she might be one of a series built to this design.
    Is she really 20' long? I am wondering if she might be a bit shorter?

    She looks 'similar' to the Core Sound 17 -
    Sailboats - Core Sound 17 Mark 3 - B&B Yacht Designs

    And her bigger sister, the Core Sound 20 -
    Sailboats - Core Sound 20 Mark 3 - B&B Yacht Designs
  3. Adam Riesel
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    Adam Riesel Junior Member

    So she does have a HIN, it's on a metal plate on the inside... Unless that isn't quite what you meant?

    Definitely fiberglass but a significant amount of wood such as the cam cleats. But the hill, deck etc. is fibreglass

    I think it's quite different, namely the mast location, number of masts, and the cabin
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  4. skaraborgcraft
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  5. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Maybe in round and chined versions....

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  6. Adam Riesel
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    Adam Riesel Junior Member

    That certainly looks quite similar. Especially with the transom mounted rudder like mine.

    What does it mean to the "round and chined version"
  7. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Yes, as noted in the earlier thread the Hood 20 was made in round bilge and chine version, and that is a chine version.

    Adam, the chine version is made up of panels that are flat (or close to it) in the crosswise direction and therefore have hard corners ("chines") where they meet.

    Here's a pic of the round bilge Hood 20;

    Here's a link to some hard chine Hood 20 information;

    I had a feeling that the hard chine 20 came first and then round bilged one came second. Hood did some alloy boats so perhaps he designed the hard chine one as an alloy boat and the first 'glass builder adopted those plans.
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  8. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    Adam, congrats on the boat. Much respect for paddling out the the boat with a surfboard! :D

    Q: What is/are the technical term(s) related to a boat with no side decks? I also have this on my 21-footer and it escapes me.
  9. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Here in Australia they are called "raised deckers". I think it's the same in the UK.

    In the USA just look up what a Cal 24 is called.
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  10. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    Thanks CT249. I am seeing the term 'flush deck' being used for many deck forms not featuring a distinct trunk cabin with side decks.
    Flush Deck Boats Illustrated Guide - Page 12 - Cruisers & Sailing Forums
    The Wikipedia entries for the two Lapworth-designed Cal24's (24-1 and 2-24) mentions 'raised counters' but I am not seeing that term anywhere else.
    Cal 24 - Wikipedia

  11. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

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