Yanmar 3GM30 no Diesel overflow returns

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Henrik Voldsgaard, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. Henrik Voldsgaard
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Henrik Voldsgaard New Member

    I understand that all (most) diesel engines return overflow diesel to the tank. It does not happen on my machine. The machine runs fine especially after I have changed the nozzles. Should I do something or is it OK?
  2. Lepke
    Joined: Sep 2015
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    Lepke Junior Member

    Many small diesels only return trace amounts. Some divert what would be return fuel back to the injector pump intake and have no return line. Engines that return large amounts of fuel usually have a gear lift pump. You probably have a engine driven diaphragm pump that only provides slightly more fuel than the engine burns.
  3. Henrik Voldsgaard
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Henrik Voldsgaard New Member

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