Yachting Magazine Feature Article on Westlawn institute

Discussion in 'Education' started by dgerr, May 11, 2011.

  1. dgerr
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    dgerr Senior Member

    In recognition of eighty years of training successful boat designers, Yachting magazine has run a feature story on Westlawn Institute in its May 2011 issue. Written by Westlawn graduate and Yachting editor at large, Jay Coyle, the story recounts the history of the school and explores the success of its alumni. You can read the full article online at this link:


    Dave Gerr
    Director, Westlawn Institute
  2. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    Excellent article
  3. Lister

    Lister Previous Member

    I always admired your design, and your book on less than $12,000 pocket cruiser for backyard builder is a joy to read.
    It still after all these years a great pleasure to go through the pages.
    I wounder if your Doubloon was built. She is a very nice and well put together little cruiser.
    Do you still designing? I hope you have the time.

  4. dgerr
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    dgerr Senior Member

    Glad you liked the book. Doubloon was one of those designs that sold a lot of plans, but I don't know of any boats that were built. Westlawn takes up most of my time these days. Still, my office does about one project a year. Looks like we'll be starting on a 90-ft. motoryacht for a client on the west coast.

    Dave Gerr
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