Yacht Surveying 1 online course

Discussion in 'Education' started by Pablo Sopelana, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Pablo Sopelana
    Joined: Mar 2021
    Posts: 139
    Likes: 35, Points: 28
    Location: Helsinki

    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Welcome to Yacht Surveying 1!

    The first of a two-part series dedicated to Yacht Surveying, this course is for those wanting to get professional insight into Yacht Surveying and/or planning to venture further into this area. When completing this course, you will have learned about different organizations in the marine industry, rules and regulations related to boats and yachts and how they may affect the activity of the yacht surveyor, different types of surveys, important considerations related to each one, and the survey process, including preparation, safety issues, instructions, tools, and reporting.

    The course has been divided into four sections:

    • The first section, Introduction and Regulatory Matters, reviews the main rules and regulations concerning yachts and boats and examines some of the main Organizations in the marine industry and their involvement.
    • The second, Types of Surveys, discusses the main types of surveys that surveyors may be requested to perform and the organizations that may be directly involved in requesting and giving instructions for performing those surveys.
    • The third section of the course, Surveying Crafts of Different Construction Materials, looks at the main types of construction materials used in boatbuilding and the specifics of inspecting boats depending on them.
    • The last section, the Survey Process, presents important matters related to the survey, from receiving an appointment to finalizing the report and handing it to the client. This section also provides practical guidance on safety-related matters.
    When completing this course, you will have learned about:

    • Different organizations in the marine industry.
    • Rules and regulations related to boats and yachts and how they may affect Yacht Surveyors’ activity.
    • The different types of surveys and important considerations related to each one.
    • Organizations that may be directly involved in requesting and giving instructions for performing those surveys.
    • The main types of construction materials used in boatbuilding and the specifics of inspecting boats based on them.
    • The survey process, including preparation, safety issues, instructions, tools, and reporting.

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