Yacht goes on fire and sinks near Southampton

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by daiquiri, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    This is an incredible story about an accident happened aboard a brand-new yacht on it's first voyage with the new owner:

    The yacht is reportedly a Meridian 341 model: http://www.meridian-yachts.com/Page.aspx/pageId/14056/pmid/175884/341-Sedan.aspx It appears that the standard engine is an T6.2L MPI Mercury Horizon, which is a gasoline engine. Fuel vapors, perhaps? But then, it would go off with a big boom, wouldn't it? However, the boat is also available with Cummins diesels. Is there an info somewhere about the engine type installed on that particular boat?

    Does anyone has any more info about what happened and what has caused the accident?
  2. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Scary.. Thanks to let us know..
  3. yipster
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    yipster designer

    a very brief search only gave it was a 2009 demoboat with 16 hrs and this burned out pic
  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Same story is everywhere in July 2012 dated articles, but this happened on February 8, 2010, why did it take so long to hit the news, and why does it now . . :confused:

    Linked page has a short video at the bottom, hell of a fire, but what you hear is the wind in the microfoon I guess.

  5. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    It reads like a big boom, the linked articles all say . . .
    ‘‘ First, there was the explosion. Then the smoke and flames. ’’​
    Here's another link, all the same, so all copied from the same source, so we actually only have one source, which isn't much.

    It seems to me the boat's owner successfully outed the story now, 2½ years after the event, to put pressure on - Meridian / MGM Marine & Boats / Dun Laoghaire Yacht Services - to get the money he's claiming for this.

    All the articles also say . . .
    ‘‘ John O’Kane, managing director of MGM Boats UK, said: “At this stage we have absolutely no comment to make.” ’’​
    From a business point of view, whatever the cause was, he'd better explain what 2½ years of investigation opportunity has brought up and what measures are taken to prevent this in the future, so people (customers) can have faith this will not happen again.

    Just my 2 cents . . ;)


  6. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I don't know whether it got attention at the time if happened, but it's being reported now because the owner and his girlfriend have filed a lawsuit.
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