Yacht Design Services - Naval Architects

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by PFYachtDesign, May 12, 2014.

  1. PFYachtDesign
    Joined: May 2014
    Posts: 4
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    Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

    PFYachtDesign P&F Yacht Design

    Dear all,

    P&F Yacht Design is a design office based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is formed by professionals with a wide experience of more than 10 years in the field of yacht design & naval architecture.
    Our experience working with some of the top yacht designers & yards in the industry & in the most famous sailing challenges such as the America's Cup and Volvo Ocean Race it is used and applied directly to our projects.

    Our main services include:

    • Conceptual Design
    • Exterior Design & Styling
    • Interior Design & space planning
    • Hull Design & naval architecture
    • Performance Prediction
    • Structure Design/ Finite Element Analysis
    • Detailed engineering
    • 2D CAD Drawings for exterior and interior
    • 3D computer renderings & walk-throughs/animations for exterior and interior
    • 3D modeling for molds and/or CNC cutting and nesting

    We also enjoy being part of a team effort, working closely with Naval Architects, designers & yards all over the world.

    We are pleased to invite you to visit our new web site. You can explore our offered services as well as our latest design projects.


    Also, you can join us on Facebook to be up to date with the latest news.


    If you think that our services could benefit you or your company, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Best regards,

    Diego Panizza & Adrian Fernandez


    A: Av. Libertador 2337- 3rd Floor Of. 1 -Olivos (1636) - Buenos Aires, Argentina
    T: +54 11 4871 3873
    M:+ 54 9 11 3140 6772
    E: info@pfyachtdesign.com
  2. akrish
    Joined: Jun 2014
    Posts: 7
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    Location: pune, india

    akrish naval architect


    I am a naval architect with 2 years of experience in basic ship design, detail design and ship production.
    I am currently looking for a job where my skills and knowledge are utilised.
    I have attached my resume for your reference. Please go through it, and if there is any job openings present or future please contact me.
    I have attached my resume for your reference.

    Thanks and regards
    Anantha krishnan

    Attached Files:

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