Would a tiny mastless multihull be sufficiently stable in heavy seas?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by NeilG, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. NeilG
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    NeilG Junior Member

    Cute, but not practical for me I don't think - I feel an approach with the interior on a gimble would add too much weight and cost.

    I've toyed with the idea of a reversible multihull design (i.e. can be operated capsized - or has two "ups", if you like), but am left feeling that it would still add quite a bit of weight, and can't work out a propeller and aerial placement/mechanism that makes it workable. (Using a paddle wheel could make a more easily reversible design, which would be cute, but again probably be relatively heavy and are generally held to be less efficient than a prop - and far less efficient in the kind of seas that could capsize the boat).
  2. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    There was a thread previously on this idea
    It seemed to not ever be able to answer simple questions and continue to add complication on complication with no real benefit.

  3. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Nimble, if you've seen a beach ball take off in a blow you'll be careful of being in one. Imho it's going to swing your nuts out of your ears when it rolls not to mention down each swell... :p

    I guess everyone who ever capsized had the idea at least once...

  4. n5pgo
    Joined: May 2014
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    n5pgo Junior Member

    small tri example

    I have seen the type of trimaran described before, as a tow bouy on a seismic survey line. It was about 17ft by 10ft and made of aluminum. I took pictures of it at the time but they were destroyed by Katrina.

    A seismic survey line is used in all weather and seas, so I know this tow tri had taken a severe beating out there quite often, and survived. It is rather heavy for what you want to do with it though.
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