Worlds smallest Ocean going Sailboat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mustafaumut, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. mustafaumut
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    mustafaumut Junior Member

    This is 125 cms or less than 50 inches long. British design. Hull thickness is more than 12mms.


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  2. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    I've never understood the desire for such vessels.
  3. mustafaumut
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    mustafaumut Junior Member

    May be you can build one at seattle and escape to guetamala :) You dont have money issues and boats cheap there. I cant buy a 7 meter ocean boat less than 20000 dollars here. Small boats are visa free also. Thousands of immigrants drawn every month because they dont know how to build a safe full closed textile boat. Its a nightmare for european goverments and us goverment also. For me there is two ways to go to europe, flying or swimming. These boats cover long distances. If I were working for 30 dollars a hour , I would understand you. This is international forum and problems are vast.
  4. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    oh its the escape with a home-built submarine -guy. Its been awhile.
  5. mustafaumut
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    mustafaumut Junior Member

    a little bit bigger boat , 150 cms long , more basic.

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  6. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    I don't have money issues here.

    If I felt the desire, I'd build it here. The objections I have to it aren't based in either politics or economics.

    The government here may have a problem with immigrants, but that's because there are fools here with those problems and they vote. I have none. People are the ultimate resource. Therefore, our country gets stronger every time an immigrant crosses the border and the country they're leaving gets weaker.
  7. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    And they drain the economy on welfare when they can't get work.
  8. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    Maybe in Australia.

    I don't know anything about Australia except that you have fauna that will kill you from the air, the sea or the ground. SEAL wildlife.
  9. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    I would take on a kangaroo before a grizzly or mountain lion :D. And australia is under extreme financial pressure from welfare at the moment. We are taking on another 12000 refugees but there is a lot of concern about resources. We rode the minerals boom and now we are paying for it. Don't forget our health system is a hundred times better than the usa and it consumes a lot of money.
  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    This is a very confusing thread, for me, is this thing being touted as an escape method for refugees ?
  11. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    I think so. Don't know how many will fit in a 1.5 mt hull though.
  12. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Cheap coffin ?
  13. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    Styrofoam would be cheaper.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    "Styrofoam would be cheaper."

    But not OK with the wacko enviro folks.

    I would think Parana recycling might be fine.

    A service would bring the fish in a big glass tank, you would toss in the dear departed and enjoy your favorite beverage as thet are recycled.

    No cost as the skeleton would be sold for "research" , ax is currently done with baby parts from abortions.

    WIN, WIN!

  15. RHP
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    RHP Senior Member

    This is a weird thread, so far we have on grizzly, a kangaroo and a syrian refugee in a 120cms mini boat heading towards Seattle because its cheap? :D
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