wooden sneakeasy

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by peabody, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. peabody
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    peabody Junior Member

    This must be the dummy question of all times...
    Here goes ...
    Bolger design sneakeasy boat ....
    Ordered the plans ...and what the heck?
    3/4=1 means what?
    Im just wanting simple to understand plans the payson plans? Ive no clue.
    How to read it. I need simple inches and foot measurement.
    reading bolgers ....boats with an open mind. Says its super simple to build. I want one.
    but im totally stumped ...
  2. newbilder
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    newbilder newbuilder

    well iam no pro but i beleve that is 3/4 of an inch on ur plans = 1 foot.
  3. peabody
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    peabody Junior Member

    Yes ..thats what the plans say... but all the extra points and zeros confused me.
    ill keep studying the plans ..... like jamie said... hopefully will make sense soon.
  4. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Nahhh... for that you'd have to go to some of the questions I had when I first started trying to use CAD software for drawing, instead of a pencil. Fortunately for my dignity, there was no one around to actually hear my plaintive pleas and whimperings, as I painfully sorted out what most users consider totally obvious... :D
  5. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    You seem to have your private messages function blocked. If you unblock it and send me some of your questions, I'll figure out where you stand and give you some quick coaching, to bring you up to speed on reading and understanding plans.

    It isn't hard at all. But it's always easier to understand with a tutor, instead of tackling it cold.
  6. peabody
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    peabody Junior Member

    ... that would be wonderfull..
    dont know why PM eould be blocked.?
    Try sgain. ? Maybe i need to do something?
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    You seem to be referring to the dimensions listed in the table of offsets, which are feet, inches and 1/8's of an inch. So a 12.3.3 designation in the table of offsets simply means 12' 3 3/8". This also means that you'll have to make some odd, unreduced fractions such as 4/8th's (1/2"), but it's simple enough to figure out with some research.

    Before delving into the project, it would be wise to familiarize yourself with the terminology and techniques used in the plans and the build type. The plans are easy to follow and the build fairly simple, but you do have to have some comfort level with tools, measurement systems, building techniques, etc.
  8. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I googled Sneakeasy, and it looks like fairly typical Bolger plywood-panels-on-chines-and-logs-wrapped-around-bulkheads construction, as seen in Instant Boats by Harold 'Dynamite' Payson.

    Peabody, I highly recommend that you order the book (about twelve bucks from Amazon), and read it before starting your build. It should answer most of the questions you might have....

    If you download Amazon's free app, you can order the Kindle version of the book and read it on your laptop, without having to actually buy a Kindle.
  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Private Messaging
    But to the necessary 5 posts this forom ‘‘Open Discussion: All Things Boats & Boating’’ doesn't count.

    But why not do the coaching here, that's what the forum is for, and I might learn too how to understand this kind of size representation in the plans and who knows what else . . . . :)

    I think this thread would fit the forum Wooden Boat Building and Restoration.

    If it's there then Peabody's posts in the thread are counted so he can quiker use the PM function and the thread could grow into a build thread.

    So Peabody, if want to move the thread click on ‘‘Flag for Moderator[​IMG]’’ on the right side above this post and ask the Moderator to move the thread as suggested in this post.

    Good luck !
  10. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    Yes, this thread is on topic for the Wooden Boat Building & Restoration forum; therefore the thread has moved. Thanks, and welcome to the forum.
  11. peabody
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    peabody Junior Member

    Thanks angel! !

  12. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Peabody,

    Maybe build a model first, won't cost much and can learn alot from it, which will avoid mistakes on the big one . . . :idea:

    Good luck !
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