Wooden Ocean Rower

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Jacob Beckley, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Jacob Beckley
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    Jacob Beckley Junior Member

    I am building an Ocean Rower and am struggling to find any kits or plans to get started. I previously built a Rowcruiser Expedition, but and in need of a larger boat for an additional man on board. I have come across several designers and builder, but I have been unable to find any plans or kits.

    Ideally, the boat would be based on some designs I have researched, Woodvale, Morrison, etc. Does anyone know where to go from here?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I used to work on a shipwright shop next to where they built ocean rowing boats in Totnes (UK). They older ones were multichine plywood, so there must be either plans or old boats you can get ideas from
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Show us what you have and where you want to go to see if anyone is capable (sure there are many capable) and wants to help you.
  4. Jacob Beckley
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    Jacob Beckley Junior Member

    Attached are some images of the style I am looking for. These may be too big for my needs, but I'd rather make is too big than too small. Let me know your thoughts.

    Attached Files:

  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  6. Jacob Beckley
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    Jacob Beckley Junior Member

    Thanks for the feedback and the link. We are looking for something that achieves a few things: Stability in potentially rough waters and needs to provide mental comfort. It does not need storage, but it would be a nice to have. It needs to look great for sponsors, meaning that it can't be something too small for logo placement.

    Other than that, I agree that these are too big. The hope is to get something between a Rowcruiser Expedition and one of these. Here is a link to the boat I built for the last voyage. Row4aCure https://row4acure.com/
  7. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    the higher cabin also helps with self righting.
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That looks like modified dory. It is closer to what I would choose.
  9. Jacob Beckley
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    Jacob Beckley Junior Member

    Are these what you had in mind? If so, do you know if I could make one longer than 17 feet? Do you have any ideas as to where I could obtain a kit or plans for a plywood version? Additionally, I would want to add some sort of bulk heads for storage.
  10. Jacob Beckley
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    Jacob Beckley Junior Member

    Ideally, whatever I build would have high cabins or storage. I am struggling to find any plans or kits, this may end up being entirely custom.
  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is of the Whitehall type. They are great pulling boats. You can make them a bit beamier for more stability.
  12. Jacob Beckley
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    Jacob Beckley Junior Member

    What do you mean by "beamier?" Do these types of boats always have the plans on the outside, or can you make one that is smooth?
  13. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    suggest a smooth (carvel) hull. You don't need the extra wetted surface ( = more drag, weight, and maintenance) of a lapstrake hull.
    The Whitehall is an excellent rowing boat but might not work as well as a 'survival' boat: you are crossing an ocean, not a lake or bay.
  14. Jacob Beckley
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    Jacob Beckley Junior Member

  15. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Beamier means more beam or wider. I don't care for those huge boats with a cabin with seating room. I think they are made to cheat the rule by going downwind only. I challenge anyone to row one upwind, even in a strong breeze.
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