With all these Containerable Sized living space discussions......

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Squidly-Diddly, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Squidly-Diddly
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  2. goodwilltoall
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    These type of dwellings have been around for awhile and you can either limit yourself to being contained within the container box area or you can also expand such as having foundations for systems and I would like at least a removable type awning for the whole length better yet completely around.

    I'll try to post an idea drawn up ten years ago.
  3. frank smith
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  4. Squidly-Diddly
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    I remember some Do-Gooder org was gonna gift some 3rd worlders Container Boxes to jump start them living with real walls, and is was nixed as "dehumanizing" or something.

    Seems like a Conex box would be about first thing I'd want. Hard to break into, easy to lockup, more or less hurricane proof, not that expensive to move if needed. Go ahead and slap a second story of 20' joists all down its length. It ain't gonna tip over.

    Don't underestimate the corrugated card board boxes! I've got a sun room and to reduce summer heat I put big sheets of cardboard on the roof and it lasted all winter rain and the stuff is still structurally sound. Now I'm using it to keep sun off a boat. Great for camping. Just burn the "housing" in morning campfire when breaking camp. Did I mention the BROTHER OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA lives in a cardboard box???
  5. SamSam
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  6. rwatson
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  7. rustybarge
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