Windows design style

Discussion in 'Software' started by Sylvain Savoie, Jul 29, 2024.

  1. Sylvain Savoie
    Joined: Jan 2023
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    Sylvain Savoie Junior Member

    I was wondering if a windows design like a commercial style windows straight up or even a reverse angle would affect the sailboat speed compared to a sleek sporty angle windows ?
  2. jehardiman
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Depends on what and where. As far as additional wind drag, any design is a relatively negligible change in magnitude for a sailboat (i.e. draw your expected wind angles and velocities). As far a fouling lines or sails on a tack or jibe..... or making your way around the deck..... or trapping green water in a knockdown or wave boarding event....... it all depends...
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