Why we love Trimarans ?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Skip JayR, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. Skip JayR
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    Skip JayR Tri Enthusiast

    Feel free to post spontaneously some photos or text (poems, extracts from books etc...) in this thread, to describe best why you love the 3-hull boats ??

    Lets start with my own pic.

    This snap is from 11th November 2015 when the winner of Multi50 class, the Trimaran FenĂȘtrĂ©A-Prysmian sailed cross the finish line at 11:59 CET of Transat Jacques Fabre Race 2015, a trans atlantic regatta ~5,400 nautical miles from France to Brazil. - Having started on 25th October with 4 boat classes: Maxi Trimaran Ultim, IMOCA (Open 60), Multi50 and Classical 40.

    For me this picture says it all why I love Trimarans... these boats have a kind of sifi (science fiction) look, the tris are filigree, flying over the water like mantas instead sinking into the water like monoholls. The aura of a strong multihull spread out some mysthic energy... and a very own form of elegance.
  2. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Trimarans are for sailors
    Catamarans are for tourists.

    I find cats, practical and utilitarian, even the condos. Tris are far more elegant and extroverted with exceptions to both types of course !
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    I like tri's because of the unparalleled potential for design and development especially in under 20' trimarans:

  4. Skip JayR
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    Skip JayR Tri Enthusiast

  5. MMiddleton
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    MMiddleton New Member

    Trimaran comparisons

    Personally, I'm a fan of the versatility offered by trimarans. Depending on the size and design, you can really find them for whatever your intended use is. Here's a good article summarizing some of the most popular brands and comparing them to show this huge range of options:

  6. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    Yepp, an unparalled and very fast potential for design and development---under 5'.:D

    Again, why don't you......?
    " Modeling" seems to create a kind of complacement. Try and error , error and try , try and try --- but who at the end wants a "perfect " model ( a model !) from an eighty year old foil adicted model-freak ?

    When did u taste for the last time salty spray ?

    Have a look at the bored gulls on the pic above---watching a tiny non disturbing, non attracting tiny something and perhaps an old static man with his antenna box. Knowing about the uselesness of this toy, those gulls are pretty clever.

    Not being polite sometimes means being fructifying.

  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Fire Arrow

    Unfortunate and very, very uninformed comments!!
  8. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    Why do we love trimarans ?

    A lot of us see their dreams, only.

  9. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    I see, upwind is not your course.

  10. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    My first brush with trimarans was to see as a 13 year old the Lex Nicol designed trimaran "Escapade" on a mooring at St Kilda, Melbourne. I recall thinking that I'd never seen a more light or graceful boat.
  11. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Corley, what was the name of that Lex Nicol 30 foot yellow lightweight - was it Hired Hand?
  12. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I've scoured the web for photos of Hired Hand without success. I cant even find any photos in my oldest mags from the eighties. She burned to the waterline which was a real shame. Maybe Phil/Catsketcher might have some idea.
  13. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    HH was initially green. There was an article about her in Seacraft magazine when she was new that raved about her. It's probably still in my shed.
  14. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    That's right CT, was green - I was mixing up the infamous superb yellow NZ tris.

  15. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    This is why. At 35 knots.

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