"WHY NOT?" from Balkan Shipyards

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by rael dobkins, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    Location: Bulgaria

    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    Hi all, introducing our latest vessel WHY NOT?
    built in 5 days, out of what ever left overs I got my hands on....
    this boat rocks, you can see me steer without a rudder, and I can go anywhere..... needs a lee board as his flat bottom just cant grip, but the crab claw is powerful off wind and will go very close to the wind too
    so easy to sail, so easy to shunt, what a blast. love him.

    all d best from Balkan Shipyards.

  2. Tiny Turnip
    Joined: Mar 2008
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    Tiny Turnip Senior Member

    Love it.

    But sailing barefoot in February? Please put some boots on, you're making me feel cold! :D
  3. RHP
    Joined: Nov 2005
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    RHP Senior Member

    Great congratulations! Doug will be along soon to ask why you don't put foils on it.
    1 person likes this.
  4. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    Yea, grew up with blue feet, winter surfing is all about blue feet and a painfully numb feeling......
    foils??? couldn't fit them into the 5 days..... but next time he gonna have'em!
    All d best
    Balkan shipyards.
  5. Jamie Kennedy
    Joined: Jun 2015
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    Fun little boat. Steers well. Good work.
    Looks like you're enjoying the sailing as much as the building.

  6. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    Thanks Jamie,
    So.... the only reason I enjoy building, is because I'm going sailing.....
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