Why I'm Following Sven Yrvind

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by sharpii2, May 7, 2020.


Do you believe Sven's latest Ex Lex will make it to New Zeeland.

  1. Nope.

  2. Probably.

  3. Almost certainly.

  1. JPE
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    JPE Junior Member

    Very good points Dolphinman. I do not know if Yrvind really thinks he will be able to polularize his überminimalistic approach to sailing and boats, well, life in general... I actually think he's way too smart for such naive hopes.

    He uses the publicity he has gained to fund his passion, which is to (and in this order) design, build and sail boats that are too small. To expect such spartan vessels to gain popularity is just not realistic. I bet he fully knows this.
  2. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    He says on his website, that he just wants to show people that they don't need as much as they may think they do, to live. I agree, he is not so naive as to think his style of boating will become popular. He's is just choosing the extreme to make a point. Funding his passion is a welcome benefit, I'm sure, but Sven sounds like a activist exemplar. Also, obviously, an adventurer, as well.

    -Will (Dragonfly)
  3. JPE
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    Well, he is yet to make his case, that his design philosofy produces boats that serve any meaningful purpose other than spending time on the high seas.
  4. upchurchmr
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  5. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    For that at first we should agree on the definition of meaningful purpose, what are the possible meaningful purposes of any pleasure craft ?
  6. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    There are as many "meaningful purposes" as there are people.
    What you want is a popularity contest?

    Hiding at sea from other people is not my definition. Nor is finding a place to eat sleep and read 10,000 books.
  7. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    My definition of a meaningful purpose of a pleasure craft is fulfilling the owner's personal needs and wishes.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  8. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Well that is as useless a definition as I have ever heard. It doesn't exclude anything.
    Looks like this fits the definition.
  9. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    As long as I don't know what the guy's personal needs and wishes are in a pleasure craft I can't tell if it's fulfilling a meaningful purpose for him.

    Sven's track record over at least the last two decades is very bad according to my post #22 definition, below's a quote from the thread Yrvind post #560.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  10. JPE
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    Hmmm. So just build any floating device and the shout at other peoples choises of life from and around it. Yep. That actually is a meaningful purpose too, but if we study the semantics of meaningfulness within the context of sailing, there's just no way around it: Yrvind's latest creations have been unfortunately disappointing.

    I would very much like to see him hit the nail in the head, I really do. For now, he's not doing much good for his manifesto.
  11. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    For a pleasure craft only so if it fulfills the owners personal needs and wishes.
  12. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    Below from the thread Yrvind post #569 a picture of Sven's previous ExLex in 2018 in Porto Santo where he quitted then.

    ‘‘ . . . and note how stern heavy ExLex is here . . . ’’

    Kinda déjà vu with the new ExLex, which also doesn't look like it's going to meet my post #22 definition, so by that definition the new ExLex looks like it's up to be Sven's fifth failed boat in a row . . :(
  13. A II
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    A II no senior member → youtu.be/oNjQXmoxiQ8 → I wish

    On the other Yrvind thread I'd posted 4 of Sven's previous boats that were excluded by my post #22 definition of fulfilling a meaningful purpose for a pleasure craft, by now I've quoted those 4 here in post #24.
  14. JPE
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    JPE Junior Member

    Yes, it is unfortunately the most likely outcome of this experiment.

    Paradoxically, in his quest to display the superiority of small sailing boats, he has so far only succeeded in spending enough resources to build two larger, and arguably, more practical boats. Oh the irony...

  15. Will Gilmore
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