Why do many designs fail to form products?

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by sun, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Thank you for your encouragement. It gives me a lot of strength. We will encounter many difficulties, but now there are a lot of open source materials to learn, although slower, but still have confidence, even if there will be a lot of setbacks in the middle. With the use of AI, our difficulties can be greatly reduced, as long as we are good at communicating with AI.
  2. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    You are an experienced person and a highly technical expert. Let me tell you what I think, please comment. In my opinion, in addition to better and better rescue tools, is it better to understand the physiology and psychology of drowning people in a short period of time? Ordinary life, it is difficult to understand the fierce situation when people are dying, dying struggle, it is difficult to understand. Yes, once we are familiar with the drowning situation, it is easier to rescue them, and may not need high-tech rescue tools.
  3. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    You're right that loss of body temperature is a difficult problem to solve, especially in low temperatures, and many winter drownings actually freeze to death. A lot of research has been done to develop solar energy, polymer materials, and high-density batteries for heating, but how well to transfer heat to drowning victims is a key problem. It's hard to get on a life raft in freezing temperatures, isn't it? I imagined it. I don't know if that's right. Maybe my mind is too confused and lack of practical experience, so it is difficult to succeed.
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  4. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Thank you for your information. It's important to us. What is the USCG study and where can I download it? What does "In those cases swimmers are the best solution." mean?
  5. seasquirt
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    seasquirt Senior Member

    "Swimmers" meaning a trained person delivered to the site of the drowning person, by helicopter or fast boat. Someone in the water alongside to attach a harness, and or buoyancy vest, and help to keep them from slipping under before rescue. Not all efforts will be successful, because some people 'give up' once they know they have been rescued, and stop helping themselves. There is a technical name for it, which escapes me now, but it is well known, and common to many rescue scenarios, medical rescues, and others.
    Another idea, a self propelled scoop which can travel at high speed to victim, on slowing it partially sinks, and is manoeuvred to slowly carefully scoop up the victim, and once cradled, the machine goes fast again, lifting up to drain water, and speeds to the nearest help, while heater elements warm the victim; a bit technical but easier than sending a man to the moon.
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  6. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    The water doesn't have to be that cold, for those that are unaccustomed to cold water,

    Know Lake Tahoe before you jump in: The facts of Cold Water Shock https://www.southtahoenow.com/story/06/24/2024/know-lake-tahoe-you-jump-facts-cold-water-shock

    I wonder if focusing on an individual drowning solution is the right approach? That might not help much for more likely situations where greater numbers of people get dumped suddenly in Open Water as has occurred with the boats sinking quickly? For example the crowded rickety boats used by Smugglers to transport large numbers of illegal immigrants, where probably hundreds have perished in a single year? A solution that saves large masses from drowning can usually work for a single, but a single ring cannot do the opposite?

    Probably a laughable idea, but Maybe several drones could be used, each one to drop several lightweight surfboards that inflate when they hit the water, they would be slowed down and stabilized with drogue chutes. Fashioned in such a way that they're easy to crawl aboard for those that have strength before hypothermia sets in, and once aboard the surfboard changes shape by partially reallocating air pressure so as to at least partially curl up to drain off water and provide some insulation and possible Heat if the sun is shining, for the occupant.. Go go gadget survival suit, ha!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
  7. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    Dopamine depletion?

    Give-up-itis: when people just give up and die https://www.yahoo.com/news/itis-people-just-die-091023463.html
  8. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Person-to-person rescue is dangerous and injuries are common, but the advantage is the ability to flexibly judge the pros and cons of various rescue methods in real time. So, the mechanical rescue you said was necessary. The change of mechanical equipment ups and downs, advantages like speedboats, is very inspiring and worth studying.
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think that the most important issue is to find the person in distress. Even is in a small chop the person is only seen intermitently. In heavy seas, it gets close to impossible. A drone with infrared, pattern recognition, etc. would be a huge help for the rescuers.
  10. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Cold Water Shock is something I've never known. We've seen a lot of cases where we thought people froze to death after being in cold water for a long time, or were numb and drowned.
    Thank you very much for your information. I wonder, even if the Water temperature is not low, will people have a reaction similar to Cold Water Shock due to psychological panic, resulting in a high probability of death.
    I think my previous thoughts only correspond to the stage of experiencing Cold Water Shock and special psychological panic.
    Your rescue idea is also very good, and will soon be helpful to the drowning people.
  11. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    In maritime search and rescue, the most important thing is to find people in distress, the height of the helicopter, the human eye is impossible to find people. It is said that there is a lot of equipment that can be used to search for drowning people at sea, but there is little evidence of literature and products. Or maybe I'm paying too little attention.

  12. sun
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    sun Senior Member

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