Who likes my new helm station/tackle drawer/storage

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by the brain, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Who likes my new helm station/tackle drawer/storage

    Orginal plywood helm station is in excellent condition however it’s a 2’x2’ heavey unusefull box.

    Redesigned helm station will be a fraction of weight compared to original plus valuable drawer storage tackle/first aid/flaregun/flares/fire extinisher1/upper/lower diangleshelves ect.

    Feel free to comment I’m used the both positive and critical responses

    Better yet post images of how you stow your little stuff.


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  2. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I plan a side console builtinto this why I referr to as station the lidded SC will house
    VHS/marine mp3/electrical switchs/ electrical remote throttle control for kicker may partition SC for snacks

    i will still be able to navigate sitting sideways SC will be width of VHS.


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  3. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    update I used a nicer bolster type seat. stainless steel sliders, plastic drawer SS screws.

    I like freeing up deckspace.

    drawer slides needs adjusting for top tackle tray it sits atop of aluminum box

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