Who likes my manuel rode barrel winch.

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by the brain, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Who likes my manuel rode barrel winch.

    I have 300’ of a tangled blob don’t think it was unrolled properly thus all the

    Twists maybe that’s why it snapped when anchored in the storm?

    Anyway I gluded a tube to a crank I’ll glue on a handle.

    Primary use is keep rode neat/orderely.

    I need a waterproof tube attached to bow where rods enter/exits rode storage in cuddy.


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  2. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Or, it might have snapped because it was too small?
    Some say you can drag the line behind the boat to untwist it, which sounds like it might work. I would stop and let it settle before winding it back up though. And it will be wet. You could also stretch it out on the ground and put one end in a drill and untwist until it lies there properly. Another trick to keep it from getting twisted up is to coil it in a figure 8. That's a bit of a nuisance to store and use though.
    The winch looks like it will work to store the line on (not to reel up the line with tension on it though, it doesn't look strong enough) but it won't allow the line to dry out which can cause problems with the line itself plus it might start stinking.
  3. Squidly-Diddly
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  4. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I'm using 3/8" nylon rope for rode. i'll try the drag method to untwist. my method to manuelly untwists section at a time. I could go deeper than my rope and let the anchors weight untwist rode kindof like untwisting a old LAN line corded phone.
    I can retrieve wet rode and lay on bow to dry remember, Primary use is keep rode neat/orderely plus keeps rode out of sunlight which will ruien rode correct.
  5. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I designed rode holder to be stored in front bow. the bow lift eye is connected to lower lift eye w/ 1" threaded rod. I've cut a small L in holders botton this will attach holder to threaded rod then addition roundish flange screwed to deck to prevent sliding side to side.

    it will be a pleasure to gain cuddy space where the giant blob once was.

    I need a waterproof tube attached to bow where rodes enter/exits rode storage in cuddy.

    like this attached what is this piece referred to. This entrance/exit hole doens't appear waterproofh its probablley on top of a locker

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    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
  6. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    Weld cleet horn to bow lifteye to secure rode.

    Here’s my front anchor sys. As of now. I aspire to have a barrel type

    Winch sys incased w/in the farrest forth.

    That’s if I like anchoring in deeper waters I usalley don’t anchorage in more than 50’.

    Currently I have my homemade barrel inside cuddy the rode exits though the hatch.

    Plan to leave chain on deck the hatch will be grinded a gap for the rope.

    I want to improve my method of secureing the rode on deck.

    Here’s my plan

    Weld a cleet on the lift hook and wrape chain around it and one of the bow cleets my current method is a 3/8” bolt though the anchor pulpit.
    additionalley I would like to reinforce underneth the rear of the pulpit would it be better to have bracing mounted left to right or north to south? I have a leftover piece of 3/8" thick alumin 8"x2' that I'd like to use.

    edit I would like to secure a dock line to the frontish bow for docking w/out using the cleet are the other methods of securing a dock line to the deck, I was thinking of a U-bolt w/ a knot in the DL.

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  7. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    image of stowed rode

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  8. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I fulley extended the rode in the back yard.
    then upon retrieving there was a tab bit of resistance on the rode though the hatch being wound in so I resorted to pull a bunch in then roll up, basicalley thats it's main purpose to keep rode tidy.

    next will tidyup rear anchor rode w/ same but smaller roller.

    will report back w/ underway results

  9. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I've used rollers on rode and on galvanized cable, with the intention to keep things neat, save storage space, etc. It works, though some special though is required about in and out feed paths, to avoid kinks and other unwanted stuff.
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