Who has experience with a desulfator for deep discharging lead acid batteries

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by BertKu, Jan 26, 2019.

  1. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The dendrites start very thin. In fact they have fairly high resistance, so the battery will charge. However, is like having any other very small constant load: it will slowly discharge to zero.
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  2. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Yes it is a pity. I could consider to make one, but I don;t know which ferrites I have, which is suitable for frequencies from 1 to 10 Mhz. Also I may not have the time at present. Here is such circuit diagram. Bert p.s. I have difficulty in downloading the circuit diagram. Will try tonight.
  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    For the idiot on board here, is one or the other of these maladies more likely for a battery?

    Can we hypothesize the more likely?

    Might it be impossible to raise the voltage to 13.2 in the truly shorted battery? It is just a question.

    And I am still hoping you can help me Gonzo, so not trying to make you mad!
  4. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Here is the circuit. Desulfating.jpg
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    They probably mto these in China. So you are waiting for it to cross an ocean.
  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    I used to have a battery charger that would report sulfication iirc.

    It was a yellow light.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The ability to charge a battery with dendrite formation depends on the size of them. When they are very thin, it would be like charging a battery that has a light connected to it. It will get 13.5V but, if left alone, will completely discharge. The new type of high frequency battery testers are supposed to be able to detect them, but I am not sure if the economy ones do. Measuring the internal resistance of the battery is a better, but more difficult way of doing it. Ultimately, we cut them open.
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  8. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I am sorry for the bad news. The parcel apparently left Hong Kong, but it sit still somewhere at customs in Cape Town. It supposedly should have been delivered before the 14th of March 2019? maybe 2020! like some of my overseas magazines and letters took up to 6 months to be delivered. I know the frequency up to 10 MHz to be used, when I am back from overseas it looks like I have to make one myself. But that will be at the end of May. Soooorrry. Bert
  9. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    But something else. You are at sea and your 9 Volt or 1,5 Volt normal NON rechargeable battery is flat. What would you do. I would take a 10.000 uF/16 or 35 Volt capacitor charge it on a 13Volt battery (or higher) and dumped it on the 9 Volt battery. Plus to plus, minus to minus. Do that a number of times and you have the pleasure to have a battery for a couple of days. (My multi meter gave in on a Sunday and I have now the pleasure that after a month it is still working fine. So did my blood pressure 1,5 Volt alkaline batteries (Non rechargeable) Yes everybody is right, you cannot recharge a non rechargeable battery, it will explode. But not with a dump charging method. The released energy will not heat the battery up. You just have to have time on your hand. Bert
  10. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I am still so sorry, the parcel is still with customs in Cape Town. I will only be back in 4 weeks time and I wonder what is happening to once this beautiful once well run country and now it seems no government companies like Electricity, Flying, postage and customs are properly managed. Absolute a pity.
  11. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I am really sorry I am back from overseas and the parcel never arrived at my postbox. I am considering to buy one per courier. I have here a number of batteries which I like to have reconditioned. Well we have to wait a little longer to see whether it works or not and when it does really not work. Bert
  12. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Sorry you are having difficulties. Adapt and overcome!
  13. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Yes I will. I build an electric boat and need to revive my batteries. The replacement of those batteries are more than 100 x than such a large number. So it is worthwhile to explore this route. Thanks.
  14. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Well, well, it took 11 months before I have obtained my 3 desulfators via a different route. I am now testing 5 different size batteries , 2 x 5 Amphour 12 Volt bad batteries and has only 4,08 and 5,4 Volt life in it. One 11,9 Volt 7 Ah which is already stable at over the 12 volt. and 2 x 24 Volt Deep charging sealed lead acid batteries which both has one cell not working properly.
    My initial result is one of surprise, they seems to do something. The trick is to have a bad battery improving the absorption of current. Let see what it will do for me. Desulfators[1].jpg

  15. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Unfortunately nothing for nothing, Those units take 38 milli Ampere each, thus if I have to believe some reports on this issue that it can take up to 3 weeks to get proper results, it means 24 hrs x 38 mA x 3 weeks = just over 19Ah and I have to keep a charger on the batteries not to deplete the battery. That is lesson No 1. With the 5 Amp hour near dead battery the current charge to the battery has improved from 4,5 mA to over 100 mA and that is promising. I had that 5 Amphour battery for 24 hours on a charger and had no luck. Now at least, the charge current is improving and that means the battery is getting charged. If nobody on the forum can advise me, I have to learn by falling and standing up and falling again. I am surprised, that if a 5 English pound unit can recondition a 80 English pound battery, that very few forum members have been able to advise me on their experience.
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