Which outboard for 17 ft pedro with 19" transom?

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Doomslayer, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. Doomslayer
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    Doomslayer Doom

    Hello I have just bought my first boat.
    I was wondering what out board would be best for my boat.
    The boat is a 17 ft pedro motor boat.
    From transom to bottom of hull is 19 inch do I need a long or short shaft out board ? And what hp the hull is grp ?
  2. IMP-ish
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    I don't know what a pedro motor boat is like - can you post some pictures of your boat. Or tell us the boat's weight and speed you want.

    Short shaft is 15"
    Long shaft is 20"
    Extra long shaft is 25"

    Start with the anti-ventilation plate about 1/4" above the bottom of the hull.
  3. Doomslayer
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    Doomslayer Doom

    I can't seem to get photos up on this site I tryed to look for the plate on the hull today I will try again tomorrow thanks for your help
  4. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    The Pedro boats I got from google are big heavy cabin cruisers.

    Which outboard depends on hull shape, weight, and what speed you want.
  5. Doomslayer
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    Doomslayer Doom

    Yeh that's what I get from google too I can tell you it's not big or heavy I will try to find away of posting a picture of her thanks

  6. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    If the vertical height is 19" the boat may have a keel, and need the outboard a little deeper to avoid cavitation problems.
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