where to start

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by elhewman, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. elhewman
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    elhewman Junior Member

    I was looking at running a highly efficient (10-40hp diesel) boat to slowly cruise in on weekends. My idea on length would be 26-34ft so it seems a well designed displacement hull is my only option. Let me get out the dumb questions first. I only have 10,000 grand to start with.
    Would it be possible to install a small diesel on a 34' tollycraft type boat and run it most of the time except when the wind picked up pace and recruit the high powered engine? I know it has a planing hull though. Other ideas include building a pilot house on a sail boat. Motorsailers and old trawlers come to mind as well but just have not found anything in that price range. Any ideas on what to look for and where to start would be great. I won't make any any purchases until i get my education up to par in this category.

    I basically want a slow(5-7kts) cruising option in the semi-protected waters of SE Alaska.
  2. elhewman
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    elhewman Junior Member

    I guess with an hour of more research I am seeing that what i am really looking for is a trawler that is economical as a sailboat. As I would wont to carry people with me and enjoy roominess. I just do not understand why i would need a lot of horsepower for a displacement speed.
  3. Gilbert
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    Gilbert Senior Member

    There are quite a few small commercial trollers in SE Alaska that use the amount of power you are contemplating and run very nicely. So you are right in the ballpark for a good fit, but you need to make sure you have a nonplaning hull form if you expect to get really good efficiency. You are in the right area to look around for what you want.
  4. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  5. elhewman
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    elhewman Junior Member

    Thanks. I love 1974 PermaCraft 26 foot Motor Cruiser and any boat in this style. I have seen similar boats like this in the harbors but probably a different company. Is there a name for this boat style because if i can find something cheaper yet similar to the aforementioned boat I would be in the ballpark for a low horse diesel for sure. Also the troller idea was good advice too. Perhaps I can find just a fiberglass hull to start with, as everything i see right now is either a soft old wood hull or clearly out of my range. Good insight guys I am leagues ahead on info compared to yesterday!
  6. elhewman
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    elhewman Junior Member

    I Believe the name for the ideal boat type I am looking at is called a Pocket Trawler. Like the 1974 PermaCraft 26 foot Motor Cruiser and the Old Albin 25 motor cruiser and the All weather boats(small AK company). Nimble nomads type are out of my range and not as efficient it seems but the three aforementioned boats seem to have a concept that i like. Seaworthy and tiny diesels. All I have found is just double my price range so I assume In time I can find a project hull in this category if I am patient.
  7. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Would you consider building one out of wood? Wood lasts generations. Back with a link.
    https://www.boatdesigns.com/28-Jolly-Roger-cruising-trawler-yacht/products/225/ Just one of several on the glen-L site. Hundreds on all the sites you have acess to. I just like the looks of this one. I estimate the wood cost to build this at $4,000.00 here in TN. cheaper in Oregon/Wash. Don't know about AL. but should be cheaper then here.
  8. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

    A journey of a thousand miles starts with a first step.

    Take a look at Sam Devlin's boats and the TW28 at Bateau.com



    Epoxy resin encapsulated, marine ply, cold moulded boats are very long lived with sensible care. The method is employed almost worldwide. Explore this forum and also http://forum.woodenboat.com/index.php



    Are you excited yet?

  9. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  10. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

  11. Pierre R
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    Pierre R Senior Member

    I own a Permacraft 26 and can attest to the fact that they will do the job. That is a high price on that boat. You might get it considerably cheaper than asking price.

    Mine is quite modified from stock as it has a heated pilot house, stabilizers and a SABB diesel with controllable pitch propeller.

    The Permacraft weight twice as much as the Albin 25.
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  12. elhewman
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    elhewman Junior Member

    Thanks for the extreme amount of input guys! Hard to address all of it, but I have certainly found a refined starting point. As for building a wood boat it sounds like a blast and i am looking into all of the options based on the designs you enlightened me with. If anything i could start off building a row boat and see if I gain some confidence with my limited carpenter skills. The models I saw from Pericles and Rasorinc gave me were pretty motivating.
    Interestingly, the only boats in the Sitka I see in this style with the exemption of the none affordable Nomads an Nordic tugs, seem to be Old Albin 25's. First impression was they were very common but an internet search begged to differ. There are some extremely neglected ones that I just may make an offer on later, if Its still what I want. I'll check for Hardy's as well they seem to fit the bill if I can find one close.
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  13. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    AAaah I see everyone has skirted the possibility of a ships lifeboat conversion. You might be luckey enough to get an engine in the package. Price range would be well within your budget and they make one hell of a sea boat. Read my thread "Reverse Engineering ---- ---" . You dont have to convert it into a motorsailer and as such no ballast keel is required so that alone will save you one heck of alot of funds and work.The idea of conversions was born to help people with a limited budget obtain a strong seaworthy craft and get out on the water. Also look at my latest conversion project Building the Nancy G--- under the Boatbuilding heading. Any questions feel free to e mail me direct---Geo.

    A yacht is not defined by the vessel but by the care and love of her owner
  14. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011

  15. elhewman
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    elhewman Junior Member

    Lifeboat idea sounds great to if I could get a hold of one cheap and reasonable close to me. I will check around you would think there would be many unadvertised hulls in existence.
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