Where to Source Steel Boat Plans and Introduction

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Luke000, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. Luke000
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    Luke000 New Member

    After a few years sailing our 33 foot vintage sailboat with my father (who just turned 70) we have realized that the next step is going to be a power trawler. We both appreciate classic downeast lines on boats such as Hinckley, Duffy, etc. We have narrowed down our criteria to the following:
    -32-36Ft LOA
    -Steel Displacement Hull
    -Single Screw Diesel
    -Sleeps 4 comfortably
    -Seaworthy for Great Lakes exploring and a possible Great Loop (CE class B?)

    I have started looking around for a set of plans for what I would like to build, and have not come across anything that has the look, layout and also designed for steel construction. (The plywood Kokanee 38 by Devlin would be just about perfect in steel)

    I came across one boat in The Netherlands that meets every criteria, it's the Opstomer 1100 designed by A.G. van Beem and built by Vroegh & Alblas B.V. looks like it was in production in the late 90's through the 2000's. I could not seem to locate either of these entities, so I don't have high hopes for possibly sourcing a set of plans.

    My question is does anyone know of a set of plans that fits what I am looking for? If not, Would it be financially feasible to have a naval architect make a new design to fit my criteria? It would be nice to have CAD cutting files included with the plans.

    I have restored 6 antique boats (40's and 50's aluminum boats and 60's fiberglass) but it's been my dream to build my own from scratch. I have very extensive metal fabrication experience and equipment, including industrial welders, CNC plasma table, press brake, cranes, full machine shop, etc. The only thing I'm lacking at the moment is a workshop of my own large enough to handle a boat of this size. But that is in the works.



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  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    I would like to help you and I believe I have the experience and means to do so. You can, if you want, contact me through a pm.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
  3. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Barry Senior Member

    If you Google "steel boat plans" you will find easily 10 plus companies that offer steel plans for sale.
  4. Luke000
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    Luke000 New Member

    Thank you for your reply! I would love to connect with you, and looking at your profile, I agree that you have the experience. I cannot seem to PM you, it might be that I am a new member? If you can possibly PM me, or see if there is another way for us to connect.
    Thank you!
  5. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Barry Senior Member

    For ideas, you could look at Linssen Steel Yachts a company out of the Netherlands. I saw one of these at the Seattle boat show maybe 12 years ago and the finish was such that you could not
    tell that it was not fibreglass. Perhaps there are some available on Yachtworld in the US

  6. Eric Zhu
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    Eric Zhu Junior Member

    contact us , our shipyard can supply the design , whatsapp :+8615165209832
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