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Where to list a cold molded mahogany jet 14?

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Skyak, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Skyak
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    Location: United States

    Skyak Senior Member

    I need to sell a cold molded mahogany Jet 14 sailboat (Hull #128) in the Chicago area. Is there a better classified listing service than Craig s list? It's a recent restoration ready to sail but not class compliant, competitive, or a 'showboat'. I was thinking $750 should get it sold fast so I am not looking for some expensive long term listing but I would like to get it in front of wooden boat aficionados that appreciate the materials and construction.

    The original parts are heavy bronze and might be worth something on their own. The rig is a tapered hall spar with nice features like mast bending and 1 line reefing built in. The rudder is from a hobbie 18.

    Does anyone know of good fast cheap or free listing sites? Any comment on the value of the boat or parts?

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    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
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