Where is the best university for studying naval architecture?

Discussion in 'Education' started by teddy_pete, May 10, 2012.

  1. mehdi 1992
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    mehdi 1992 Junior Member

    You come Persian Gulf University, Bushehr. Than science may be too high . , But a very good friend .:)
    University in Liverpool, England is also good.
  2. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    does anyone know how much the courses are for N,A in southampton or cochin, and would any of them accept me
  3. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Have a look at their websites. There are two courses in Southampton; one is Ship Science at the University of Southampton http://www.southampton.ac.uk/engineering/undergraduate/courses/maritime_engineering_list.page , the other is Yacht and Powercraft Design at Southampton Solent University http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=606947 .
  4. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member


  5. BarbarossaPasha
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    BarbarossaPasha New Member

    I met a naval architect who graduated from southampton university. He, who was one of the best I have ever seen, told me that He owes his skill to Southampton university.
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