Where can I find the type of ship?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sun, Nov 24, 2024.

  1. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Thank you. I think, in addition to introducing my son to the types of ships, I will also mention the interesting aspects of the shape of the ship, and if possible, tell him why the hull floats on the water, why there is resistance, which is a little difficult to tell, because he is only four years old.
  2. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    "It takes balls to haul LNG." How hard is the job?
    My son likes the boat like flying a kite. My question is, the wind is not uniform, will it cause disturbance to the hull force?
  3. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Thank you for articulating your views, what do you think of the many people studying ship motion control?
  4. Herreshock
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    Herreshock Junior Member

    That's a wasted discipline, because mostly applies to few cargo ships while current cruising sailboats lack them, there are passive systems as bilge fins (stop rolling), boat brakes (good for storm instead sea drogue), water pipe stability systems (for rolling and also pitching in Adastra trimaran) etc
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is one of the important areas of Naval Architecture. Computer modeling helps with it, but as always, the data and parameters entered need to make sense. Ship motion ties is with ergonomics and drives not just the ship design, but also seating, railings, lifeboat launching systems, and related stresses to the equipment.
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  6. Herreshock
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    Herreshock Junior Member

    Weren't you the advocate for speed sailing in the Presto 30 thread? Its a shame that only cargo ships and cruising big ferry behemoths are the few boats with water ballast stability systems and passive and active ship motion systems, they have not been "trickled down" to sailboat design an only few boats have DDS foil stability for pitching and all sailboats roll like crazy when anchored and having different angle from wind and wave swell direction.

    I will upload a sailboat this week that has stability systems both for pendular movements and wave slamming, and the major cause of rolling is too much freeboard or too much beam, and of course the pendular momentum created by keel and mono mast, also pitching during sailing is mostly a matter of monomast and fin keel creating heavy horsing
  7. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    My father sailed into port, one time, after crossing the ocean. The coastguard officer who intercepted him wanted to inspect his whole boat. The water ballast tanks on board his 44' sailboat, were of particular interest to the officer since they might be hiding places for contraband. Once the coasty was satisfied that further inquiry about the tanks would yield nothing, he moved on to inspect the diesel tanks and the water tanks. When my father pulled up the cabin sole at the request of the officer and they looked down at the garboards' convex curves from bottom to keel, the coastguard officer asked my father what was in those tanks. My father simply replied, "The ocean."

    So, I don't know what is meant by "only cargo ships and cruising big ferry behemoths are the few boats with water ballast stability systems."

    In the little fishing villages of the Cinque Terre region of Italy, I saw dozens of fishing skiffs outfitted with these odd fins on their sterns. [​IMG]
    I assumed they were to dampen the hobby horsing movement of their double ended boats, but maybe not?

    Simply not true. Our family 56' schooner, with a narrow beam (12') and 5' draft sat almost perfectly upright when a rogue wave washed across her beam and buried the entire boat underwater. Only my head and shoulders and the masts remained above water for the three seconds it took the wave to pass. We had no sails up and were under power in head winds and storm conditions that were very much like being at anchor in head winds with a beam-on sea. I don't think all sailboats role at anchor. Perhaps fin keel boats roll more than full keel boats, but plenty of powerboat, such as trawlers, roll incessantly.

  8. Herreshock
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    Herreshock Junior Member

    Good to know people have used water ballast however rather than water ballast for reducing heeling as in the imoca or for basic dynamic stability like in that powerboat, i was referring to water pipes stability systems and other types of active and passive water anti-roll systems, besides water tanks in several places to control different types of scenarios or just flooding all of them during storm weather

    That marine and Global warming holocaust petrolboat system is not adequate for a sailboat ballast system because a sailboat has different movements on downwind, upwind and reaching and in storms and you rather want to counteract bow sinking and slamming with separated water ballasts in different positions even in the same longitudinal plane of that system in the video


    I have seen these before i think, the mayor problem with that is pitchpolling capsizing because that plate keeps the bow underwater in case of wave pitchpolling, this is a problem in multihulls amas with flat tops too that can sink the bow and capsize the boat.

    I have checked almost all sailboat types anchoring in the place i moor the sailboat, usually big tonnage boats have less motion but they do too, from full keels to wide beams, catamarans , etc all of them roll and mostly on "jelly nights" when the onshore swell and wind stops and the coast is full of counterwaves reflecting coming from the rocks, ports etc, also with ferry ship waves and when a onshore swell changes direction and the waves keep coming the same way but wind changes so all boats keep rolling like crazy. This can be fixed with some tricks as a dinghy with a rope, anchor snubber, stern anchor etc

    The Adastra boat has a water ballast stability system that tunes the water tanks with swell wave height, and has not been advertised while shuttelworth has good articles about multihull stability and capsizing safety
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2024 at 3:15 AM
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Is this measured data from a real boat? Otherwise, it is like the "perfect and improved designs" of the old tabloid magazines.
  10. Herreshock
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    Herreshock Junior Member

    It's not that difficult to make it with current marketing design bias, already these are proven solutions applied to cargo ships that can be brought to sailing boats.

    Just like the twin fluke anchors used by big ships, while sailboats scam shops keep selling old delta thin fluke anchors at ridiculous prices when you can cut any steel or aluminium anchor template with CNC online and bend it and assemble it.

    You shouldn't have that big faith in current merchandise and design made to sell to weekenders

  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    This is funny. You justify a claim of boat design with no data to back it up with an add for anchors. Then you criticize anchor designs and claim a few welded steel pices by an amateur like you can equal them. There is enough data on anchor's holding power and the failure of similar but not equal knock-offs. Your arrogance and lack of knowlegs is enciclopedic.
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  12. Herreshock
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    Herreshock Junior Member

    You probably didn't know those anchors and I can tell you a big ship is not going to use a rocna or stainless ultrawtf either, you should go to a bar to get drunk and argue with people
  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    :rolleyes: Of course a big ship won't use a 40 lb anchor made for small boats. On the other hand, most small boats don't use a 5 ton anchor either. I a now going to a bar, where us sailors hang out, and start an argument about why ships don't use anchors made for canoes. I will tell you later who won the argument. Keep your fingers crossed. :confused::confused:
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  14. Herreshock
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    Herreshock Junior Member

    The best anchor is using snorkel and tie a rope to the reef or big rocks lol, even a metal insert placed in a crevice will hold good.. Most anchors have the holding capacity by the area of the blade while blade-fluke angle 30°-40°-50° depends of type of soil

    3D Warehouse https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/e2541a94-377d-4722-90b1-5d72b13a14b5/stevshark-rex-anchor-1200-fluke-mod?hl=de

    And with 300-500m scope most sailboats can keep in a storm by tying all rigging ropes to make that length and maybe attaching a metal cord snubber in the bow to avoid breaking the rope with friction or using a rope cover and apply water once a while

    These canoe anchors are underrated, i suppose they work good when you have round rocks, even a big hook could hold better than most of anchors in some situations

    Single claw anchors are still good for resetting but i prefer several double claw anchors, 3 at 120° or 4 in X, that will give the boat plenty of safety and good stability and using ropes instead chain. Single anchor with Chains are a lazy, dangerous and destructive thing
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2024 at 11:35 AM

  15. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    Do these anchors have anything to do with new types of ships?

    Herreshock, you seem pretty angry about the maritime world in general. I'm sorry for any suffering you may have experienced in this world. I hope you find peace again, perhapse, like me, in the mountains?! I see your location is in the middle of the Atlantic. If you had an engine, maybe you could make it to shore and go in search of that place of peace for you. God bless and may He send winds to help you.

    Herreshock likes this.
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