Whats the best way to secure drawers and doors so they don't fly open while underway?

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by magentawave, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. magentawave
    Joined: Jul 2013
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    magentawave Senior Member

    What is the best, simplest and cleanest looking way to keep drawers and doors from opening while under way in rough weather? For the drawers I was thinking of putting a notch in the front of the drawer sides so you have to lift the drawer up a little to slide it open. Is there a better way to do this?

    Thanks :)
  2. TeddyDiver
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  3. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    I would not use metal latches, if a cabinet was left open it will sooner or later swing open and strike you in the face.

    the notched drawers are effective, most older travel trailers use such an arrangement. A bit of a neusance until you get used to them. it will not keep the drawers secure in a full knock down or rollover however.

    I like using shallow round wooden knobs (like a mushroom shape), and than have a bungee loops threaded through holes the cabinet face that you stretch over the knobs. Easy to field replace or repair, simple, low cost, secure, out of the way when in port and no hazard to crew.
  4. CDK
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    There are nice drawer and cabinet locks used in recreational vehicles. They have no visible metal parts; a 2-position push button operates the lock and shows even from a distance whether or not the drawers/doors are locked.
  5. magentawave
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  6. magentawave
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    magentawave Senior Member

    I will check out some RV hardware sites. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. magentawave
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    magentawave Senior Member

    I don't suppose you have a photo of that do you?

  8. JCherubini2
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    JCherubini2 DianaOfBurlington

    Avoid the hardware

    Magenta, I say your first idea is best. It requires no purchase and reliance on hardware, will not fail, and can be easily made by the cabinetmaker. On my boat I have no hardware for cabinets at all-- all the panels and drawers are lift-out-and-pull. It's an aesthetic, simple, sensible and easily maintained/repaired/modified.

    BTW-- avoid magnets! They will rust (and fail) and will interfere with your compasses.

  9. CDK
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  10. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Inside the door or drawer, beside a finger hole to operate the latch.
  11. magentawave
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    magentawave Senior Member

    Okay I'm liking those more now. :)

  12. magentawave
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    magentawave Senior Member

    Does that mean you don't have any cabinet doors?

  13. PAR
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    The lift and pull trick is time honored and simple. I like some style, though depending on the boat of course.



  14. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Par, do you have a link for the people that make those wood lift and pull hardware?? thanks, Stan

  15. LP
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    Nice topic! I'm just starting to think about this kind of thing for my build. To be doubly sure, you could do the notched drawers with a bungee over the wooden knob, saving the bungee for the roughest of days. I suppose spilled silverware is the least of your worries after a knock down.
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