What type of rubber is used for sterndrive bellows and what is their shelf-life?

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by Nidza, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Nidza
    Joined: Nov 2016
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    Nidza Senior Member

    Well, the whole question is in the title?

    I am asking this because I would like to know if it has sense to buy a couple of them for spare which can last a long time, but will the material keep its properties?
  2. 7228sedan
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    Not too sure on the shelf life... Assuming you don't lose a universal and all is correct they're good for quite some time in service. I've seen them 10 years old+.
    What manufacturer are you running?
  3. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    Not really sure. I'd rather have bellows as new as possible. Would buy one set at a time. Could be 5 or 6 years before you change again.
  4. Nidza
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    Nidza Senior Member

    I am running a bit older type - SternPowr model 103, that is the main reason why I ask for the shelf life, because I do not know how long it will be available so I thought of buying a few more for spare. And for the material I ask so I can custom build it somewhere when it becomes unavailable. I could not find any other brand model bellow that matches with the model I own (maybe anybody here knows some?). I have a trouble-free experience with my first bellow for three years now, controlling it each year out of the water. Thank you for the first answers.

  5. 7228sedan
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    I found this on an older post in another forum:

    Stern Powr was made by Marine Drive systems. They made 101, 103, 105 and MX-07 drives. The company was bought by Sherwood Propulsion systems in '02. They manufacture all parts for the old drives. Call 888-322-7697 and talk with Doug or Wayne.

    It's from an archive (2005-2006) Perhaps this will guide you to a resource.
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